Chapter 36

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Saturday 21 January (continued) 

And then the third and final place. I feel sick. He’s taking so long to announce the name. Find the piece of paper, get your glasses on, and announce the name –how can it possibly take this long? This must be how everyone must feel in the Big Brother house waiting for Davina to announce the name of the next person to be evicted. Why such a long gap? I catch Mum’s eye–she looks more worried than I do. I wish Rory would take his iPod headphones out of his ears and actually share the moment with his sister. Would that be too much to ask?

Wait. Did I just hear MY name? Did they say AislingFitzsimons? I thought I heard my name called out. What was that other chick’s name, the one after me, it was something really similar, Aileen Fitzpatrick? Maybe they read her name. Why is Mum pulling Rory’s headphones out of his ears and looking so pleased? Why is he jumping on his chair and clapping? Could it be? Is it . . . is it because I’m through? IT IS. I’m through, they said AislingFitzsimons. Hey, I’m through to the final. One step closer to the USA. Woop woop.


Lead me to ice cream. There’s gonna be an ice-cream celebration.

Monday 23 January

Great news. Miss O'Connor worked out that Eavanne and Sorcha were cheating at their transition class. With two groups already failed, we might get another go. A second chance to not let Siobhan and Ali down, AND a chance to get a better grade.


Just bumped into Murphy in the corridor in between class. He looked so good but we kind of had nothing to say to each other. I guess I’ve got my Irish Dancing and he’s go this break-dancing and that’s that. We don’t actually have anything to talk about. It was fine when we had the flashmobbing to talk about but that’s all over now. I felt a bit sad. Well, what did I expect, that he would keep on trying to get in contact with me even though I was totally ignoring him?


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