Chapter Thirteen - The Sea Witch

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The rain had finally settled and they followed the river around the forest east. Willow and Dante started to talk to each other more and before long they laughed and smiled and the Dante's dislike for her was practically gone. Alma was becoming more and concerned about how the sea witch would react upon meeting them. As they approached the edge of the land, they came across a waterfall which the river poured down. In front of them was a beautiful bay, with rocky cliffs and a sandy beach. Willow pointed in one direction which led them down the cliff towards the beach and around the waterfall, standing at the bottom at the side.

"Ahhh Aqua Cove!" Willow took deep breath inwards and closed her eyes.

"So where is she?" Alma asked looking around.

"In there." Willow replied. Dante looked at where Willow was looking. 

"The waterfall?"

The waterfall was pretty large, at least ten meters wide and twenty meters high. The water flowed down gracefully yet with great power.

Dante folded his arms. "Think I might just turn back now then." He half-heartedly said.

"Willow how do we get behind the waterfall then?" Alma asked.

"You just jump." Willow walked over to the cliff wall beside the waterfall, She pointed down, it was clear it was a flat surface behind the waterfall. 

"I cannot  imagine the sea witch doing this to get in." Dante laughed to himself.

"Here goes nothing then." Alma said nervously, leaping forward through the waterfall, to the other side.

Dante stared in worry waiting for her to call back and confirm she was okay.

"Alma?" He called. He got no answer. "ALMA."

Willow laughed. "She can't hear you through all that water. Go on. I'll stay here and keep guard. Just keep walking forward is all I suggest."

Dante took a breath and leaped up and forward, trying to imitate how Alma had done it. He made it through the waterfall and inside Alma stood on the rocks. He landed beside her with a sway of imbalance. There in front of them was a large cave. Water dripped down from the top, it was dark and musky. They moved forward, pacing, heading further inwards. The cave seemed endless as light started to disappear behind them and before long they could barely see their own hands in front of their faces and quite quickly they were consumed in total darkness. Alma and Dante grabbed for each other's hands for comfort and safety. Then a tiny light shone in the distance in front of them.

The light got bigger and brighter the closer they got and eventually they stopped. There in front of them was a candle placed into a groove in the wall. Alma pushed the wall and it turned, revealing it was in fact a door. Peering through they saw what looked like another section of the cave, this time carved smoothly into walls and candles hung carefully from the ceiling, spreading light into all corners. A small wooden chair and table sat in the corner, along with a bed in another.

"She's not home maybe." Dante looked at the Alma. A gush of wind blew from behind them, so strong it pushed them into the room, toppling over each other in fear, the candles flickered.

As they tried to stand, the door they had been on the other side of, closed. Alma tried to open it but it was clear there was no handle and there was no way of escaping. As they turned back to the room, a figure sat in the chair facing away from them. The room was now icy cold.

"Don't just hang around the door then." A scratchy woman's voice spoke. Almas eyes widened and Dante cowered behind her. Alma took a step forward.

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