Chapter Fifteen - Realisation

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Nerida landed on the pebbly beach of Aqua Cove. Alma, Dante and Willow leaped down and Nerida formed into a human, stretching slightly.

"I'm afraid. I'll no longer be able to be the form of a faerie, I am deeply saddened." Nerida stroked her back and scrunched her face up.
"The sea witch wants to see you. She said we could have the Sodalite if we return you." Alma spoke.
"We would of rescued you anyway." Dante quickly added.
"That is fine my friends. it's been a long time since I saw my dear Cetusanna." Nerida looked over to the waterfall.
Comfortable silence fell around the group, the faint sound of birds sang in the distant forest.

"Would you like us to accompany you?" Alma asked.
"No need." A disembodied voice replied back. Alma spun around quickly trying to find who spoke and then the sea witch appeared from behind Nerida.
Nerida smiled softly and for a moment the sea witch smiled back.
Her face returned to nothing more than emotionless although her eyes were now white and not black.

"It has been a long time, yet you still look the same." Nerida said stepping forward. The sea witch nodded back.

"As do you."

Reaching into her cloak pocket, Cetusanna pulled out the Sodalite.
"Here, take it before I change my mind." She said quickly, placing the stone out on her open palmed hand. Alma picked the piece up gently, admiring it's deep blue tones.

Dante and Willow smiled at each other and then at Alma as Cetusanna and Nerida gently embraced each other with a soft hug. Cetusanna stroked Neridas scarred back carefully with a disappointed look.

Alma placed the Sodalite stone in her pocket and spun around the face the forest behind them.

"Back we go, to the castle, again." Alma sighed.

"I have a small boat, you could take it down the river, if you know how to row, it will take less time." Cetusanna replied. She pointed towards the mouth of the river and there indeed was a small brown boat, tied to a tree stump.

Willow ran over excitedly, she never showed signs of exhaustion. Alma smiled at Cetusanna softly, but no smile was returned. Alma expected little and so headed towards the boat herself, pulling Dante along with her. Once inside the boat, which was a tight squeeze. Dante Grabbed the large stick which was fashioned like an oar.

As they travelled down the river, with the hot sun beating down, Willow softly hummed to herself and Alma looked down into the water at the fish, newts and other small creatures that swam around. She noticed something suddenly move between the watery plant life which looked nothing like a newt. It swirled quickly past the boat and Alma saw a quick flash of silvery blue. 

"Look in the water, I thought I saw something." Alma pointed. Willow looked confused but edged her head over the side of the boat to look herself. She saw it too, a small quick flash of grey-blue. 

"Probably some sort of fish." Dante kept on rowing, trying to focus on moving forward as he spoke. 

"No it was much bigger than that. You saw it too right Willow?" Alma's eyes were wide. 

"Yes!" Willow barked back. Dante stopped rowing.

More of these silver tailed creatures rushed around under the boat as if to wind Alma and Willow, as if they knew they had been noticed. 

A splash from the surface behind them made Alma quickly turn her hair and there leaning its arms on the edge of the boat was a woman with long wet silver hair. She smiled softly. 

Willow gasped and grabbed at Dante's arm who was now also looking at the mysterious woman. Another splash from the surface next to her, and another woman appeared, with silver hair again. They seemed so small, not an average size at all. Another splash and a woman appeared behind Alma, Dante and Willow, swishing her grey scaly tail around, as the sun reflected on them, they had a tint of blue. 

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