Chapter Three - Magical

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Conn, had a plan of course. He always did; Conn was smart, but he could not tell Alma and her family, in case Mulo found a way into their minds. Manipulating his way into the corners of his brain. Conn was able to block his own mind from being disturbed but he could not do the same for the others.

Riding through the pine forest, where the trees were tall and mighty and threatened him the way Mulo did, he careened through its dark shrouds. To achieve his goal, he first needed to successfully ride until morning without being stopped by beasts or thieves, but the ache of exhaustion was harsh on his back.

Silent, he made the decision to stop for the night.

The moon was bright in the sky, which gave light to the ground below and made the forest safer, and as he cruised through the forest -- he stopped by a gentle river in the north-western corridor of the forest. Tentative, wistful. Without much thought, he tied his horse to one of the nearby trees, and walked around to the back of the carriage. The family was silent, cold as stone, and Conn smiled gently at them in reassurance. He reached out his hand to Marium, and she took it wearily and he guided her down. Estefan jumped down after and put his arm around his wife, embracing her whilst she started to sob softly. Conn looked into the carriage again, and between the hay bales lay a sleeping Alma.

Estefan shook his head when Conn motioned to wake her up.

"Let her sleep," he said simply. "I shall collect some wood for a fire." Conn watched him walk off and then looked at his timid wife.

Smiling softly at Marium, the two walked to the edge of the river as Estefan picked fallen branches from the forest floor. Marium had now stopped weeping and wiping her face and she took deep breaths to clear her head with a fearfulness. Codd guided Marium to sit down on the floor.

Brushing away pine cones with his feet, Estefan joined then, first placing a large pile of wood onto the rough ground and then himself. Conn picked up four large rocks and placed them down to form a circle around the sticks, setting the fire silently, hollow. He clicked his fingers and fire rose from the branch pile, and as Estefan's eyes lit up, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

He had heard of magic, in whispers and gossip, but he had never actually seen it before. Lighting up before his eyes.

"Tell me, for I come from a simple village, but is Alma like other people outside of Fraadi?" Estefan asked still staring hazily at the burning pile of branches.

Conn closed his eyes, pensive.

"Alma has the gift of magic and she is of great power. It is not a common thing, to come across those of magical backgrounds, especially from mortal parents. I noticed her from when she was only small and have been watching over her until the time was right. I am not from this land but I am going to take you to where I live. Where she will be needed."

Conn's eyes flickered as he spoke. Estefan and Marium although barely knew this strange man, felt trust in him.

"And which land are you from?" Marium replied softly.

"I am from Quzenth, a land much bigger than Fraadi, not ruled by anyone. King Tyrone knows not to cross here for he has no control. This land was given to the Element Guardians, many many years ago. They held the corners of the land, and watched over them, and the people that lived here. A small village of folk live there, from different walks of life. Elves, faeries, mortals and more live peacefully."

Conn paused for a moment as the breeze moved through the trees, and the moonlight lit the floor around them.

"I think you will like Quzenth, and I think it will return your love and your daughter's love tenfold. In the morning, I will take you there and I will explain what I need Alma to do."

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