7] self control

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Elyza hops of the over pass and looks around for the Red Weather fucker. She spots him on his knees behind a car. She takes out the small knife in her boot and drags it all along the car slowly while she walks. Letting metal screech against metal, while also whistling the Kill Bill whistle song.

She makes it to the rear of the car and throws her knife back in her boot. "You and I have unfinished business."

He snorts at her. "You and that fucking Kill Bill movie."

She frowns at him. "You're supposed to say.." She deepens her voice in an American accent, "Baby, you ain't kiddin." She clicks her tongue in disappointment before grabbing him by his collar and dragging him over to the edge of the overpass.

"Since you don't feel like playing, tell me what I want to hear and maybe I wont kill you. Where are the rest of the Lost Boys?" She will give him one chance.

He laughs at her. "Dead. Walking around eating people. Looks like you are the last of the Lost Boys freakshow." He throws her a twisted grin. "You're going to spend the rest of your pathetic life locked up in a cage with tubes strapped to every inch of your body once he finds you. And you know he WILL find you."

Not what she wanted to hear. Well she did give him a chance. She punches him in the face before throwing him over the edge.

She jumps off the over pass and goes to pick up her weapons. She hears the door to the van open and Alicia takes off running towards her. She jumps up into Elyza's arms and kisses her in a bruising kiss.

I pulled away from the kiss when I couldn't take another breathless second. I looked over to Elyza who had raised eye brows. "I thought I told you to stay in the car." Really? Two can play this game.

"Alright then, I'll just head back.." She interrupts my sentence with another needy kiss. Well ha! I win! And then I lose.

"Alicia!" My mom yells. Ugh. Are they still here. Fuck! Give a girl some privacy. Elyza pulls away and I pout without meaning to. She smiles at me and nods over to where everyone else is watching. "Fine." I grumble.

We walk over to everyone and let's just say I can feel the heat of my mom's eyes on me. I avoid her. I'm an adult! I can kiss whoever I damn well please!

"That was AWESOME!" Chris yells, throwing his hands up in the air. Yes it was. "You just took down like 20 infected, and then you threw that guy like 50 feet!" Ooh.. That. I guess that was awesome too.

Elyza shrugs. "It was more like 20 feet, but I hear what your saying, little one." She ruffles his hair but he backs away, smoothing his hair out.

"Would you teach me how to shoot like that?" He looks at Elyza, eyes wide.

"Maybe once you hit puberty, rug rat." She then faces me and says "We really have to get going. We still have another few miles before we have to start off on foot." Then she faces everyone else. "I know you have questions but if you could hold out for the answers a bit longer, I promise I will explain once you're all safe for the night." She then heads back to our van and I follow before my mom tries to make me ride with her.

We were driving for about 5 minutes before Chris started pestering Elyza with questions.

"Are you a vampire?" He asks.






"Whaaat. Really?" he asks as he pulls up to the front of the van so his face is between mine and Elyza's.

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