Chapter 1 - Officailly Meeting Noah

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I'm so clumsy. Its not even funny anymore. The fact that this is my sixth time in the past two mouths I have ended up in the nurses office is sad. I just started my junior year of high school two months ago and its not starting out good.

On the first day of school I fell up the stairs and broke my finger. Yes, I fell up the stairs. The other times were something stupid like me tripping over my own foot. But today I got hit in the head with a football. No, no one actually threw it at me. I was stupid enough to do it myself.

I was walking around the football field and a football landed near me. One of the players asked me to throw it back to him and I was so nervous that a someone attractive was talking to me that my aim was off (not that I had any coordination at all) and the football hit a pole and bounced back and hit me in the head so hard it knocked myself out for ten seconds. Its super embarrassing.

As I'm holding the ice to my new black eye the nurses office doors open. Mrs. Penny, the nurse walks in with a guy with a bloody nose. It wasn't until he sat down that I noticed who it was. Noah Miller.

He's the most popular guy at school. But he isn't like a regular popular guy who is rude to people that aren't popular. He's actually the nicest guy I have ever encountered. I haven't officially met him but everyone knows him. He's the well known football player that the whole school loves. He isn't bad looking either. With dark hair, green eyes, tan skin, and muscles.

But going back to the fact he is the nicest guy ever I'm a little shocked that he is sitting here with a bloody nose. Did someone hit him? There's no way someone could hit him.

"What happened?" Mrs. Penny asked. I mentally thanked her for asking that. Maybe I can be a little nosey at times.

"I was playing football and I got hit in the nose." He explained trying to keep the paper towel on his nose.

"Be more careful. When your nose stops bleeding you can leave." Mrs. Penny said. Noah nodded and Mrs. Penny left. Noah kept holding his head back. Me being clumsy I have had my share of bloody noses and I know that holding your head back isn't the way to stop the bleeding.

"Um if y-you look down it will help with the bleeding. If you hold it back then the blood will go to the back of your throat and you'll cough it up." I explained. "That sounded a lot grosser than I thought."

Noah raised an eyebrow but put his head back down. "Weren't you the girl who hit herself with the football?" He asked. I felt my cheeks get red with embarrassment. I nodded. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea. I'm really clumsy. Things like that happen all the time. My mom and now Mrs. Penny think that I should walk around in bubble wrap. But that would actually be really hard because then I would barely be able to move if I have to much bubble wrap around me. But I would probably get distracted in class because I would start to pop the bubble wrap. Then while I'm distracted my grades will fall and then it wouldn't be good on my part. I would fail and never be in a good college and I won't get my dream job or get married to the right person. Then the whole idea of me in bubble wrap would become a bad idea." I rambled on.

I ramble when I'm nervous. And I'm talking to the hottest guy at school that obviously makes me nervous.

Suddenly Noah busts out laughing. Did I say something? "You're funny. Why haven't I met you before?" He asked.

"Well I don't know. I guess we just never talked." I mumbled.

"Oh." He said. "I'm Noah."

"I know." I blurted out. "I mean y-your popular and everyone knows you from football."

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