Chapter 30 - I Was Jealous Of A Five Year Old

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Christmas is in five days. Five days and I have no idea what to get Noah for Christmas. I mean I already have gifts for everyone else. I got Jessica a purse that she had been wanting for a while now. I got Everett a hoodie with his favorite sports logo on it. I honestly didn't know what else to get him so I asked and he said it doesn't matter. I got Jason an iTunes gift card for his new iPhone five. Then for my parents I got them a gift card to Red Lobster. Now you probably wondering where I got all of this money.

Well I have a box that I had made a couple months ago that I had put money I earned from odd jobs over the summer for a car for my sixteenth birthday but the thing is I don't have my licenses and I have a weird phobia of driving so I just used the money for Christmas gifts.

But I have no idea what to get Noah. So that's why I'm on the phone with Everett now asking him what I should get Noah. But seriously he isn't helping at all.

"I don't know Skylar. I mean the only thing I've actually heard him say that he wanted was you. But that was months ago when he started liking you and he obviously got you and he hasn't asked for anything else." Everett explained.

"You're no help." I groaned running my fingers through my knotty hair. Man I should really brush it.

"I'm trying my best, okay? If you want to know so bad you can maybe ask his mom or Chris. I'm sure they would know." He said.

"I've only talked to Noah's mom once and that was like for five minutes. She didn't even really talk because she was in a hurry to do something and to be honest Chris scares me." I explained.

"How does he scare you?" Everett asked. "Wait nevermind. I forgot for a second that I was talking to Skylar Greene who has proven to me to be a weirdo."

"Very funny." I said sarcastically.

"Whatever. Hey does Jessica like Taylor Swift?" He asked.

"Uhh. Way to change the subject and no she doesn't." I said.

"What about Lady Gaga?" He asked.

"No." I mumbled. "Why are you asking?" I asked.

"I'm doing late minute Christmas shopping and I was just going to buy you and Jessica a CD." He said.

"Thanks for telling me what you're getting me." I said, again sarcastically.

"Mhm. So tell me other artists you like besides Ed Sheeran." He said.

"Katy Perry. And Jessica likes her too so you can just get us both the Katy Perry CD." I said.

"Gottcha." He said. "Oh and by the way I know what Noah got you."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not telling! It will ruin the surprise!" He exclaimed.

"Well tell me was it expensive? Did he work hard to get it? What should I get him?" I asked.

"I'm not saying a word. I promised not to say anything and if you want to know so bad just ask him what he wants." He said.

"It ruins the surprise." I groaned.

"Well good luck. I have to go finnish shopping. I'll see you Saturday night, okay?" He asked. Oh yea Saturday night me, Noah, Everett, his new boyfriend Justin, Jessica, and Jason are having a movie night at Jessica's house. Jason is coming into town tomorrow. I'm a little upset he didn't keep his promise about coming every weekend but because I'm so nice I can't be mad.

"Okay. Bye." And then we hung up the phone. I sighed and sat up. I had to find out some way to find out what Noah wants for Christmas. I sat there thinking of all the conversations we had hopeing something would come to mind on what I should get him. Nothing came to mind. Nothing. Why does this have to be so hard?

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