Chapter 26 - Stupid Janitors Closet

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If you told me a few months ago that I would be sneaking out of class to hang out with Noah Miller in a janitors closet, I would have laughed in your face. He texted me in the middle of class saying he had something really important to talk to me about and to try and get out of class as soon as possible. I told my teacher I had to use the bathroom and I was excused from class. I walked down the hall looking for Noah and the next thing I know I'm in a janitors closet with Noah. But the thing is he hasn't said anything. He's just hugging me.

"Shouldn't we be getting back to class?" I asked.

"No I wanna stay with you." Noah said and snuggled his head in my.neck.

"But I left five minutes ago to meet you. The teacher thinks I went to the bathroom and its been five minutes. She probably thinks their is something wrong with me." I explained laughing lightly but Noah didn't laugh. "Noah, what's the matter?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Just hug me please." Noah whispered. I tightened my grip around his waist and barried my head in his chest. I don't know how long we stayed there just holding each other but I wish the moment lasted forever. I asked him a few more times what was wrong and he finally said, "I'm just in a bad mood. I'm not really having a good day."

I understood what he was saying. I mean everyone has those days where it just seems like nothing is going their way. Or.just simply a bad day.

"I guess we should go back to class now." Noah said after a while. We pulled away and I lightly kissed his lips then he turned to open the door. He jiggled with the knob a little then he turned and looked at me with wide eyes. "Skylar its not opening."

"Nice joke Noah." I laughed thinking.he was joking.

"Its not opening! You try it!" He told me and let go of the door knob. I went and tried opening the door and it didn't open. I turned to Noah with wide eyes.

"Noah this better be a joke." I said. He shook his head looking at me with a worried expression. I turned around towards the door and started banging on it. I was not about to be stuck in a janitors closet. If we get caught then I'll get in trouble for skipping and I can't get in trouble for skipping! "Noah the door won't open!" I yelled turning back to face him.

And all he did was smile.


Noah and I have been in this stupid janitors closet for the past two hours and not once has someone opened the door. We tried using our cellphones but there was no reception in the closest. I am hungry and irritated. But Noah seems to be a lot happier than before. He is humming to himself as he plays angry birds on his phone. I'm sitting on the floor indian style across from him about to pull my hair out.

"Noah. You know I like you right?" I asked. He nodded not looking up at me. "Then please don't take this the wrong way but please stop humming."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it is annoying the crap out of me." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes then started to hum louder as he continued to play on his phone. I groaned and ran my fingers threw my hair. "Are you trying to annoy me?" I asked. As an answer he started to hum even louder. "Oh my gosh Noah! Shut up!"

He stopped humming and began laughing. I gave him a stern look.

"Oh my gosh Skylar." Noah said clutching his stomach.

"What's so funny?" I asked with a stern voice. Although it made me happy that he was in a better mood.

"You're so cute when your mad." He said and cut back on his laughing. "I'm so serious. Your eyebrows furrow and your face gets red. You are just overall adorable."

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