BONUS: Chapter 18 - Noah Miller's Point Of Veiw

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Noah Miller's Point Of View

I laid in bed with my arms folded behind my head staring at the ceiling. I can't sleep at all. Why? Because I can't stop thinking about Skylar.

Skylar. Skylar. Skylar.

I can't stop thinking about her. She is so perfect. I'm serious she is absolutely perfect. Everything about her. Her eyes, smile, laugh, personality, her body. She's just perfect. Point, blank, period.

I love how shy she can get. Its adorable. How innocent she is. She's just so adorable. Man I like her. A lot. I just love everything about her. I love how when she's so concentrated she pokes her bottom lip out and doesn't even notice it. I love her voice when she first wakes up. I love it when she rubs her eyes when she's sleepy or when she just wakes up. I love her clumsyness and when she rambles.

I wish I stayed with her tonight. I just want to hold her in my arms as close as possible. To feel her smooth skin. To smell her sweet smell. Let her hold onto my shirt with her fists. Run my fingers through her hair.

She's amazing. She makes me feel like my heart will explode. Every time I see her I get butterflies and my heart starts beating faster. When she smiles my heart flutters. When I see her it feels like the whole world stops spinning because I'm so captivated by how beautiful she is. It sounds cheesey but that's just how it is.

But I have guilt inside me. A lot. Every time I see her I just feel more guilty. I'm hiding so much from her and I feel horrible about it. I feel like she should know these things. Scratch that she needs to know these things. But its incredibly hard to tell her. And then with everything going on in my home life its not the right time for me to tell her.

I hear my door open making me sit up. Katie comes walking in holding her teddy bear and sleepy eyes.

"What's wrong Katie bug?" I asked. She closed the door and came running to my bed. She jumped in it and crawled in my lap. "I thought you were with Chris."

"He snores to loud." She mumbled. I laughed. It is true. My brother always had a snoring problem. Growing up I hated sharing a room with him because he snores.

"Go back to sleep." I told her. She nodded and we laid down. She curled up beside me barrying her head in my side. I wrapped my arm around her. Chris has been staying home with us for a while because he decided to drop out of college. Its stressed my parents out more causing them to fight. Chris has also started drinking and its just making things worse.

My family wasn't always like this. It all started a year ago.


The moment Skylar walked into school the next morning my heart started beating faster. The way her long brown hair fell on her shoulders and how good she looked in those black skinny jeans made it hard for me to look away. Her shirt a long sleeve shirt that said Heart And Soul. Her eyes landed on me and a small smile not only appeared on her lips but on mine. She walks over towards me and her locker. I was waiting for her at her locker.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hey." I smiled. "You look beautiful." I saw her cheeks blush. She fought against the smile for a few moments and the smile won.

"Thanks." She said tucking a piece of her hair behind her head.

"Did you dream about me last night?" I asked jokingly. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself." She said and opened her locker. I watched as she got the things she needed and I just couldn't help but watch. Everything she did seemed so graceful. Like when I hold her, I'm afraid if I don't hold her tight enough she'll disappear but if I hold her to tight its like I'll break her. "Do you have practice after school today?" She asked.

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