Chapter 5 - Midnight Chat

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I don't have bad days, some days are just better than others. After my breakdown yesterday and talk with Jason I would be lying if I said I was one hundred percent okay right now. Maybe seventy percent happy at the moment. None of these people I'm walking past in the hallway want me here. No wonder why I never got any grief when Ryan died. Its because they don't want me here. But I have to stay positive. That's what Ellen Degenerous taught me. Yes I watch Ellen. She's like the best talk show host ever. I opened my locker and get my books out that I'll need this morning. I don't want to be here but I have no choice.

"You never texted me." A familiar voice said behind me. I turn around and am met by a very tired looking Noah. "I thought you would text me. But you didn't and I was worried because yesterday something was bothering you."

"I just needed some time to think. I'm sorry I didn't get to text you." I apologized. "Are you okay? You look exhausted."

"Its because I am." He sighed running his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes for a few moments. He looked stressed out.

"What's got you so exhausted?" I asked. He opened his eyes and his normal green eyes that used to be full of life were now dull. Something is definitely wrong.

"Coach has been working us hard here lately." He explained. But something about the way he said it made me not believe him.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"What about you? Are you okay?" Noah asked. I honestly didn't want to explain everything to him. For one I don't know him personally enough and two because I don't want his pity. For all I know he could be like everyone else here who doesn't want me here.

"Yea I'm fine." I forced a smile. He furrowed his eyebrows and took a step closer to me making me step back and my back hit the lockers.

"For some reason I don't believe you." He said. I gnawed on my bottom lip. "But I'm not going to push it. If you want to talk about it just come find me."

"Alright." I said just above a whisper.

"Meet me at the bleachers again today at lunch?" He asked. I slowly nodded and he smiled. "See you then sweetheart."

I couldn't even say bye before he walked away. I looked around the hall and saw everyone had their eyes on me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I looked down as I started walking to English class. Most of the time I would see Jessica in the mornings but for some odd reason I haven't seen her yet. I wonder where she is.


"Miss Greene if you are not going to stay awake during my lesson I suggest you leave." Mrs. Wright said in English class. I barely got sleep last night due to my mind racing about yesterdays events and now I can barely stay awake in class.

"Sorry." I apologized and faced the bored. She was about to start the lesson again but was interrupted with the door opening. Jessica walked in.

"Miss Hall you're late do you have a pass?" Mrs. Wright asked. Jessica handed her a pass then made her way to sit beside me. She looked a little flustered.

"Where were you?" I whispered. An uncontrollable smile formed on her face as she pulled her hair in a messy bun.

"I was hanging out with Everett and out of no where he just kissed me!" She whispered back. My eyes widened.

"So wait you kissed Everett?!?" I asked smiling, happy for my best ftiend. She nodded with a smile appearing on her lips that were red a swollen.

"Yes! I can't believe it!" She said a little to loudly.

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