I Have a Best Friend

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I looked up to see that the rest of the first years were already sorted. I hadn't realised that I was the last one.

Dumbledore went on. "I would like to congratulate Ms. Potter for breaking the Weasley twins' record for early detentions." everyone laughed and congratulated me, Harry frowned at me.

"Thank you." I said to Dumbledore cheekily after the noise settled down.

"Now I would like to warn the first years and remind the higher years that the forest on the school grounds are forbidden, and the third floor is also forbidden unless you wish to die a slow and painful death."

Harry and a few others laughed uncertainly, but I knew by the sudden seriousness of Dumbledore's voice that he wasnt joking. I glared at Harry and shook my head. Harry gulped nervously.

"He's not serious, is he?" Harry asked a prefect uncertainly.

The prefect named Percy Weasley, this I had found out at the train station, squinted at Dumbledore. "Probably is."

"Of course he is!" I snapped. "He wont say that for no reason."

"Now on the lighter note, I would like to say to words, TUCK IN!" and the food appeared on the plate.

I smiled at Dumbledore for his insanity. He wasn't like the scary kind of crazy people, but he was the awesome kind of crazy people.

"Is he mad?" Harry asked Percy.

"No," I said, butting into their conversation again. "He is as sane as I am."

Harry didnt seem to look convinced for some reason so Percy added. "No, he's brilliant. But mad yes."

I laughed at Harry's bewildered expression. Harry blinked and started a conversation with Ron. I was beginning to pile up my plate with mashed patatoes, chicken, brocolli, corn, ect, when I felt a tugging on my arm.

"Um... excuse me... Nixie?" a nervous but kind and soft voice said. I turned at the sound of my name, and seen the girl I had defended when Malfoy said that offensive word 'Mudblood'.

"Yes?" I asked while stuffing my face with mashed patatoes.

"I wanted to say thanks, for defending me, I mean." she said, while watching in both amusement and disgust as I shovelled the food into my mouth.

"It was nothing really," I said modestly. "He deserved a good kicking."

She laughed, and I noticed that her teeth were abnormally huge. "Well, I'm Hermione Granger, muggleborn as you well know."

I shook her hand. "I'm Nixie Potter, Half-blood, but I'm sure you don't care."

She shook her head. "No, I dont care what kind of blood you have, and I think everyone knows you and your brother."

I grimaced. "Hmph." I said and turned back to my food, tearing at a chicken. I love attention, don't get me wrong, but I didn't like attention for something that I can't even remember. I decided to change the subject. "I can't wait for classes, can you?" I asked. I must have chose a brilliant subject, because she instantly brightened up.

"Oh yes, I have been studying as much as I can." Hermione said as fast as she could. "You know since I dont know magic at all being born from Muggles. I didn't want to be the odd one out so I came prepared. I wanted to become a Gryffindor from the start but Ravenclaw didn't seem so bad, does it? What house did you want to be in? We all heard the hat and it seemed determined to put you in Slytherin - it said that was the perfect house for you."

I nodded my head, my fork of mashed patatoes halfway to my mouth. "Whoa... calm down... your scaring me! But yeah."

She looked a bit dissapointed at my words so I decided to use her tactic. Speaking a whole paragraoh in one breath. . .

Harry Potters Twin Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now