Slowly Slipping into Madness

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The cool stone floor calmed me, somewhat, erasing the depressing thoughts from my mind. Instead of dwelling on things I could never change, I watched the expressions flit across Harry's face. I only saw the side of his face, but I knew that he forgot all about me and Hogwarts, and even Nicolas Flamel, who has been on his mind for weeks now. No, every part of his mind was focused on the family that only existed on the other side of the mirror.

His jet-black hair was ruffled from not sleeping, and his bright green eyes twinkled so brightly that they could make a lantern look dull.

I could have stayed there forever, just watching Harry finally see his parents' proud faces, but a loud bang outside the door broke the silence, and we both snapped out of our trances. We ran to the door, throwing the cloak over ourselves, and cracked the door open. Peering down the corridor, we didn't see anything, it was completely empty, but I had the most bizarre feeling that we were being watched.

Harry and I grabbed each other's hands and found a path back to the Gryffindor Common Room. The Fat Lady had glared at us in disapproval, and I remember hoping that she wouldn't tell on us.

“Did you see...” Harry trailed off when I nodded. “I never saw them like that before, not even on your locket.”

I smiled at him. I felt like our pain was one and the same, like our emotions were connected. “Yeah... I know,” I tossed the cloak to him and left to the girls' dormitory stairs. “Goodnight, Harry.”

I didn't wait for his reply.

Being by myself for the holiday wasn't as fun as I had suspected it would be. Without Hermione, there was no one for me to talk to, other than Harry and the Weasley twins. With them in mind, I figured that some sibling time wouldn't be so bad – just as long as Ron stayed away.

I sat at the breakfast table, the first one there. With only my thoughts as company, my mind let itself drift back to the magical mirror in the abandoned classroom. Harry had all night to look at our parents, but I wanted my turn now. It will be hard to tell him, but we both knew that I had the right to see them, too. Slowly, the Gryffindors who stayed for the holiday entered, each sitting as far away from each other as possible.

Soon after a Slytherin with dark brown hair and cold black eyes sat next to Pansy Parkinson, Ron and Harry came in, bleary-eyed and groggy as always. They scanned the Gryffindor table, searching for me, and when they saw me they hesitated.

For a moment, self-consciousness gripped me, and I wondered if they liked me anymore, but I shook the feeling and waved them over. Harry's and Ron's eyes widened, shocked. Do I ignore you two so much that you think I hate you?

Ron rushed over, more enthusiastic than Harry. His fiery red hair was blowing gently as he slowed to a walk a few yards away from me, his deep brown eyes eying the piles of food hungrily.

“Yum,” Ron moaned, plopping ungracefully on his chair and filling his plate. “Harry told me about your midnight stroll around the school,” he told me, taking a bite out of some brown gooey stuff with green jelly beans inside it.

Harry Potters Twin Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now