The Start of a War

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I woke up bright and early the next morning. I look around the girls dorm and giggled when I seen Hermione sleeping with her mouth open and drooling. I look over at Padma and Lavender and they seemed to be having the best dreams ever. I laughed evily and one thought ran through my mind, time to ruin it.

I grabbed my pillow and started to wack at the two peaceful figures before me. Lavender shrieked like the girly girl she was and sat up, this time I aimed for her face. She covered but her reflexes were incredibly slow and she missed it completely. I look over at the still sleeping figure of Padma and smiled at Lavender.

"Care to halp me Miss Brown?" I asked formally. Lavender, to my surprise, nodds enthusiastically and grabs her pillow. I decided that I could get used to her.

I had spoken too soon. She started to wack me with her pillow, growling furiously.

"Dont. Ever. Wake. Me. Up. When. I'm. Having. A. Good. DREAM!" she growls, speaking each word with each wack.

I smile at the last word. "You were dreaming about my awesomeness weren't you, Lavender?" I teased, trying not to wince when she hit me again; she had a surprisingly good arm.

She stopped wacking me and exhaled her breath tiredly. "Hmph." She said and turned back around and woke up Padma.

I smiled at her. "I hope you know, Miss Brown, that this means war." Hermione laughed behind me, probably recodnising this line from Bugs Bunny.

"You got that from Bugs Bunny!" she said between giggles.

I turned around and smiled at her. "That I did, Hermione. Or did I? Mwahaha!" I said and skipped to my trunk at the foot of my bed.

"Annoying, thats what you are." Lavender grumbled.

I turned around towards her with raised eyebrows. "Or am I?"

"Yes, you are." she replied simply, like I was going to give up that easily.

"Or am I?" I repeated, annoyingly.

"Yes! You are!" she glared at me, annoyed.

"Or am I?" I repeated, enjoying the colors her faces were turning. pink, red, voilet, lavender, purple, and I swear she turned brown.

"Yes you are, Potter!!!!!"

"Or am I?"

"Yes you are!!!"

"Or am I?"


"Sorry, Lavender, I couldn't hear you after all the yelling, can you repeat that?" i asked, faking confusion.

erThe look on Lavender's face was so odd that Hermione burst out laughing and even Padma - who was Lavender's best friend - had to stifle a giggle.

I looked inside my trunk for something pretty. I ended up wearing a very pretty maroon dress with matching converse. My hair was in a side ponytail and when I was satisfied with my appearance, I exited the bathroom and walked into the dormitory, only to be eyed up and down by the girls.

"Who are you dressed up for?" Padma asked nicely.

"No one, I just felt like wearing a dress," I told her honestly.

I went back to my trunk after throwing my used pajamas in my personal hamper which the house elves washed at night and searched through my jewlery. I took out my favorite necklace. It was long and had a golden heart at the bottom and the heart was incrested with crystal diamonds, it was actually a locket, it opened up and you would see Harry and I waving, Harry's arm around my shoulder and the other side you would see my mum and dad side hugging eachother and waving with their free hands.

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