Annoying Stalkers

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When we finally got there, Hermione and I waited outside the door to our first class. We were definitely early, because the corridors were empty, so we took out our books and began to read them. Hermione remembered them all by heart, but I could only remember the most important things - like how to do the spell and what they did. Hermione told me that I had to rememeber the history of the spell too, but I didn't have photographic memory.

We were already done with a whole chapter when the door flew open, making Hermione, who had been leaning against it, fall back.

The Astronomy teacher was too surprised to catch her.

"What are you two doing out here?" The Astronomy teacher, Professor Sinistra, demanded.

Hermione's face flushed pink and she got up from the floor, rubbing the back of her head with one hand and clutching her Astronomy book with the other. "We wanted to come early so we wouldn't loose our way and be late to class, Professor. But we came earlier then we thought we would and decided to study."

"It's not against the rules, is it?" I said. "Hermione checked."

Professor Sinistra studied us for a long time, as though if she stared long enough, she would be able to see if we were lying or not. "Ms. Potter, you don't strike me as a girl who would want to learn."

"Why? I thought red hair made me look smarter." I said, touching my dark red hair.

I always loved my red hair, because it made me differant from the Dursley's, so I wouldn't change it for any other color. But sometimes, when I stare at myself in the mirror, I swear when I think too much about the Dursleys, my hair starts to turn brighter, as though it was slowly turning yellow. I always shrugged it off and said it was my imagination, though. I never told anyone, just another secret I kept from Harry.

Professor Sinistra tutted, as though I just said something incredibley stupid. "Well.... I suppose I can let you two into my classroom. Just don't touch anything."

She looked straight at me when she said that.

"Thank you, Professor," Hermione beamed, then picked up her bag from the floor and walked into the classroom.

"You can pick whichever seat you'd like," Professor Sninstra said when I walked into the classroom too. "Any at all. The front has the best view of the stars, though; so I'll recommend that."

Hermione rushed to the back of the classroom and sat down. I sat beside her and glanced back at Professor Sinistra, who was standing by her door as though waiting for more early students to arrive.

"I don't think she likes me," I whispered to Hermione.

"What?" Hermione looked confused. "Whywould you say that, Nixie? She seems very kind."

I shrugged. "She thinks I'm a trouble maker."

"Can't blame her," Hermione said, then added. "She'll like you when you start to show how interested you are in the subject."

I smiled, feeling better. "Of course she will," I said. "I'm a very likable person."

Hermione rolled her eyes, though she was smiling. "Shall we continue to read?"

I nodded and opened my book again. Soon, we were both so lost in the words that we forgot we were even sitting next to eachother.

ABout every class was like this. All the professors would look at me critically when I sat in the front desk, then they would warm up to me when I started answering questions easily with Hermione. I don't know who was more surprised by my intelligence; the professors, or the the students.

I was sure that my fellow Gryffindors would have marked me as a know-it-all if it wasn't for the fact that I was earning a lot of house points in the classes. Hermione and I ended up seeing it as a game, who could earn more points by the end of class. Sometimes it was Hermione, sometimes it was me - it was actually pretty fun.

But I couldn't help but notice that no one looked at me any differantly then they looked at me when I sat on the three legged stool, right before I was placed in a house. Even though I should have been marked 'trouble maker' or 'smart girl', I was still 'the scar-headed girl', 'the girl who lived'. They were whispering about my scar, I knew they were, and I wondered if Harry was as disturbed as I was by this.

Some of the Professors seemed to do the exact same thing, though it didn't bother me as much. For example, Professor Flitwick did a rather loud squeak when he called Harry's name, then nearly feinted from excitement when my name was called.

The only reason why it didn't bother me was because he seemed more interested in me and my magical skill then my scar, considering he didn't glance at it once.

Transfiguration was my absolute favorite class. Professor McGonagall didn't favor us, and didn't seem to care who I was, so I actually felt like a normal person for once. And she didn't give me that calculating look the other teachers gave me, as though they had already decided that I would be trouble; she seemed to judge by the way I acted in her class, not the way I acted outside of it.

"Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said,  making me shiver with delight. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back." Unlike all the other teachers who had given this warning, she didn't look at me sternly. "You have been warned."

She then changed her desk into a pig, then back again. I had tried to capture the movement of her hand, but she didn't say a spell, so I sat back, disappointed. Hermione was sitting stick straight in her seat, as was everyone else, but slumped back when Professor McGonagall said that they would not be learning that any time soon.

After taking a lot of interesting notes, we were each handed a match and we tried to change it into a needle. I managed to get it on my fifth try, and Hermione did too, but she took longer because she reread the instructions five times before actually trying. When she mastered the spell, we raised our hands at the same time and Professor McGonagall inspected our needles carefully. Seeing that it was perfect, she congratulated us and gave Gryffindor ten points. We also got a rare smile from her which we both took with delight because Professor McGonnagll didn't seem to the the sort of person who gave her smiles to just anyone.

The class everyone had been waiting for ended up being a joke. Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught by Professor Quirrall, who didn't make it easy to pay attention since his room smelled so much like garlic that I was too busy trying to get my eyes not to water. Not to mention the guy stuttered so much I got so bored that I didn't even bother to listen to the rest of his sentences.

At the end of the day Hermione and I roamed the caslte, determined to learn every inch of it. But it wasn't as peaceful as we imagined because everyone kept talking about me and my bloody scar.

The detentions weren't fun at all! The detention with Professor McGonagall was the most boring, she told us to sit down and be quiet and we just stared at the wall the entire day. The unicorn hunting was a major fail, Hagrid told us that he had to meet his friend Aragog in the forest and that we could just go to our dorm, when I asked why his friend lived in the forest he just stammered a bloody excuse and left into the forest with a bag full of dead rats. The last detention was eventful but horrid, Professor Snape seemed to hate my guts. He told me to clean the couldrens while Hermione and Lavender had to clean the desks. They both complained, but they didn't have to scrub yucky black stuff from the bottom of a coldren the size of my head.

It only got worse when I asked if this was what he put in his hair to get it so greasy.

But even the detentions weren't as bad as everyone pointing at me when I walked by the corridors. All the while, I'm thinking, stupid annoying salkers.

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