My New Friend

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Hagrid's giant, bushy head peaked from behind the large door, the wood making creaks of protest.

“Oh, its you, Nixie,” Hagrid said, cautious. He didn't open the door all the way, just enough for me to see enough of him, but not enough for me to see past him. He shifted, and cleared his throat. “Well, what do you want?”

I stopped trying to see past him and grinned. “A lot of things, actually. I would like a unicorn, chocolate frogs, to kick Ronald Weasley's butt-”

“Ah, you know what I mean,” Hagrid was impatient, his large, thick feet shuffling under him.

He was acting weird. Normally, he would be overjoyed to have me here, but now he looked like he couldn't wait for me to leave. I frowned. “I wanted to talk... can I come in?”

“NO!” Hagrid's voice boomed, causing a few crows in the garden to fly away. His cheeks turned bright pink when I jumped back, staring at him with wide, frightened eyes. “Er, I mean, I can't right now... I have – er – things to do?” He said it more like a question than a statement. He was never a good liar.

I was hurt. Does he not like me? When I thought of it, he never actually spoke to me alone before. Harry and Ron always accompanied me here. Maybe he likes them better than me, and it just disappointed that I'm not them.

“If you'll excuse me,” Hagrid made a motion with his arm, as if he were going to close the door, but my hand stopped it from shutting.

“I don't think so, Hagrid,” I said sternly, refusing to believe that the giant wizard wasn't my friend. “Why don't you let me come in?”

He glanced over his shoulder, into his house, exchanging a look with something – or someone.

My eyebrows rose, a realization dawning in my mind. “Hagrid... who is in there?”

Oh my golly, he must have a girlfriend, I thought in amazement. That's why he's acting so weird!

“Er... I will talk to you later. Okay, Nixie?”

A smirk found its way up my cheeks. “Okay, Hagrid,” I agreed easily, making him uneasy.

I turned before he could shut the door and walked back up the path, making sure he saw me leaving. The second he closed the door, I ducked behind one of his veggies, hiding myself from the window's view point. The ground was soft under my shoes, and I didn't step on anything loud or crinkly when I crept slowly around his hut.

Making sure to be sneaky, I peaked through the small window. Disappointment filled me; there was no woman with Hagrid, but a small Slythering girl with light blonde hair. Her face wasn't visible from where I was standing, but from her size and the amount of green she was wearing, it was obvious that she was a first year Slytherin.

I wrinkled my nose. Why is Hagrid talking to a filthy Slytherin? I opened the window, causing the girl to shiver and Hagrid's head to snap up. I jumped inside his hut, scattering bits of snow and dirt – which usually would have caused me to apologize repeatedly, but at the moment I was too upset to care. I slammed the window shut behind me, harder than necessary, and marched angrily to the table.

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