Broomsticks, Trolls, Friends

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Two days later, Harry and Ron were happy for many reasons. They were stupidly excited because they had a moronic adventure when they met that three-headed dog, it was breakfast time (who wouldn't be happy?), Hermione wasn't talking to them, Harry and I had stopped arguing, Malfoy was shocked that they hadn't been expelled for being out of bed at night, and there was a special surprise at breakfast.

Hermione and I were talking when a thousand owls flooded into the Hall. I couldn't help but look up in awe, absolutely amazed by the beauty of it. I don't think I'd ever get used to the sight.

But everyone's attention was caught at once to two long, thin packages. Six large screech owls carried one and another six carried the other. I was just as interested in the packages as everyone else, and was just as amazed when they dropped one right in front of me.

With my quick Seeker reflexes, I caught it in one hand before it touched my bacon, but Harry was too surprised to react, and his bacon was knocked to the floor.

“Perfectly good bacon, wasted because my brother is slower than road kill,” I joked, and Ron laughed.

The owls fluttered away as another owl dropped a letter between Harry and I. Harry opened the letter and read it before handing it to me.


I put the parcel on my lap and continued to eat.

Harry and Ron left immediately to open it, but I took a little longer to finish my breakfast.

Hermione was eager to see what it was, so she left a few seconds after they did, knowing I wouldn't leave the table until I was done with my food. Fred and George kept pesturing me to open the package, so I had to tell them to “bugger off”, which they didn't do.

When I was done, I ran out of the Great Hall with my package, and I already knew what it was. It was my broomstick, my very own. I went to the girl's dormitory as quickly as possible, only to find Hermione sulking on her bunk.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

Hermione looked up miserably. “Ron and Harry aren't very nice, are they, Nixie?”

“They'll come around,” I assured her.

“It's a broomstick, isn't it?” Hermione asked, eying the parcel. “I heard Ron and Harry talking about the one Harry got...”

I sat next to her, feeling guilty for being so excited, but when I glanced at her, she was smiling. “I don't really like Quidditch, but I'll cheer you on, nonetheless,” she looked at me expectantly. “Open it!”

I ripped open the parcel. The broomstick rolled on the floor. It was polished and clean and looked lovely. Hermione and I knelt over it, amazed by the beauty of something we used to see as a cleaning tool.

When nine o-clock drew nearer, I asked Hermione if she wanted to come to the practice, but she said that she wanted to study, so I left.

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