Gullible Hagrid

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Bonnie have been acting too nice to Quirrell, lately. They would smile at him when they saw him and would defend him when someone would make fun of his stutter – which was fake. I felt like kicking them whenever they did this; they were encouraging someone who would gladly kill them all.

Quirrell was overdoing the innocent act, lately. He was getting paler and thinner, and his shaking was happening a lot. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that it was real.

When I walked into the Common Room from a long session of research in the library, I could hear Harry, Ron, and Hermione arguing.

“Hermione, the exams are ages away-” Ron protested as the bookworm shoved a color-coded schedule into his hands.

“Ten weeks,” she snapped. “Ten weeks is like a second to Nicolas Flamel.”

“Yes, but Nicolas is six hundred!” Harry said in devastation. She ignored this and gave him a schedule, too.

“I think we should take a page from Nixie's book,” Hermione admitted. She looked crazed. “She has been studying all this time! Yes, the stone is more important but... I don't know, I feel like-”

“She should be helping us with the stone,” Ron huffed, crossing his arms, “not worrying about getting a perfect grade.”

“Ron's right,” Harry said, betraying me. “She's cutting us out.”

“She's just worried, is all,” Hermione said after a long pause. I could hear the doubt in her voice even as she said it.

Ouch, that hurt, I thought. I turned on my heel and stormed back out of the Common Room. Before the portrait slammed shut, I could hear Ron mumbling, “Probably going to the library.”

He was right; I was going to the library. When I got there, I built up a wall of books and read until my eyes got blurry. I rubbed them, feeling exhausted and so, so sad.

Why couldn't Voldemort have died that night my parents did? I haven't even seen him yet and he was already making my life miserable.

He's not the one separating you from your friends. A voice in my head said.

I could hear Harry's, Ron's, Hermione's, and Bonnie's voices. They were approaching my spot, but I wasn't in the mood to see them. They had been talking behind my back; no matter how much I frustrated them, they never should have done that.

“Hagrid?” I could hear Ron say. “What are you doing in the library?”

That was a shock. I didn't take the giant wizard as someone interested in knowledge. I peaked around my stack of books, but had to jerk back when someone knocked them over.

I growled. They were in order on what I suspected would be the most useful when I stopped Quirrell.

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