You Did It

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Bonnie didn't notice when I went back to my old ways; scarfing down my food, studying in my free times, and taking notes in class so much that my hand cramped. I was glad that they didn't notice, they would have just bugged me, taking my attention off what was important.

Quirrell had found a way to get the stone; he and Voldemort would try to get it as soon as they could.

“Nixie,” I heard a familiar voice whisper. I looked up from my notebook to see Fred and George leaning in close to me, identically mischievous smiles stretched across their faces. I wasn't completely sure which one spoke.

“We've been looking for you everywhere,” George smiled at me.

“We should have known you'd be in here studying,” Fred winked at me.

I tucked my legs under me, snuggling into the soft armchair and getting comfortable for a Weasley conversation. “I have grown predictable, haven't I?” I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes and smiled at them tiredly. “What can I do to help you two?”

“We've thought of the perfect prank,” George told me.

“It's brilliant,” Fred added.

“I'm sorry, guys,” I said sadly. “I have to study. Maybe some other time.”

Fred and George glanced down at my notes, then looked at each other. I felt uncomfortable by their knowing look, and I got ready to defend myself from their accusations, but they did no such thing.

“Alright, Nixie,” Fred said, ruffling my red hair. “Just don't study too hard.”

“Yeah, I've heard about a wizard who fried his brain by doing that,” George said a little evilly.

“And we wouldn't want anything like that to happen to our little Potter,” Fred joked.

“Guys,” I said pointedly.

“Seems we're being kicked to the curb, Georgie,” Fred said dramatically.

“The tragedy,” George sighed.

The boys sent me sad looks before trudging slowly away. I watched them with narrowed eyes, wanting to make sure that they didn't turn around and hit me with a prank they'd created. When no such trick occurred, I went back to my studying.

But studying was getting so boring. I couldn't even concentrate on my homework. I didn't know what the properties of moonstone were – when have we ever learned this? I flipped through my notebook tiredly until I found the Potions page.

I should have remembered this, I thought, rubbing my temples as a headache formed. My mind is overflowing.

Nixie!” someone yelled impatiently. Pain shot through my forehead, and I got ready to yell at the person who caused it, only to see Hermione and Bonnie standing above me. Judging from their exasperated expressions, they'd been trying to get my attention for quite a while.

Harry Potters Twin Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now