Evangeline (America)

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Author's Note: Dedicated to my good friend, Jessel who loves adorkable-idiotic-hyperactive-puppies just as much as I do.

There are more galaxies in his eyes

Than there are stars in the sky

Which is always his own kind of blue

And he made me realize that I want that too

For my darling America,

I pray that you'll never lose your light

I put on my summer blue dress and paired it with my favorite white Converse. Tying my hair into a French braid I hurried outside where Alfred was waiting for me in his red Jaguar.

     "Morning, ma'am" Alfred greeted in a fake, highly cartoonish Southern accent as he opened the door to the passenger's seat for me "Lookin' fetchin' if I do say so myself"

     "You suck at mimicry." I laughed and strapped on my seat belt. Alfred was too childlike to wear something so formal as a blazer and slacks even in dates, but even in just denim jeans and a faux leather hooded jacket he has never looked unsightly. His black-rimmed glasses made him more ridiculously adorable. Fits his childish passions for videogames, superheroes, and wide-eyed ideals.

     You'd think he would be more mature being an aerospace engineering genius who graduated from MIT, but his dorky superhero t-shirts and unhealthy obsession with McDonald's is just one of the many things I love about him.

     "You're never gonna guess what I have planned for us today, dudette" Alfred said as he drove.

     "Really? Bet you five dollars I can"

     He scoffed "You're on"

     "A trip to Disneyland and the closest carnival in town followed by a Disney and superhero movie marathon at your place" I said having memorized the pattern after four years together.

     Alfred pouted and I just giggled "Fine, no need for five bucks. Just win me a stuffed toy"

     "Psh. That it? The hero can get you the biggest one without effort!"

     "I'll be looking forward so don't you dare disappoint me" I teased.

"YES!" Alfred fist pumped the air when he successfully hit all the balloons, earning the awe and applause of the bystanders who were watching. Although it was no surprise there, with his ridiculous strength and stupid luck, he could win anything and everything if he wanted.

     The carny was also taken aback, clearly he wasn't expecting Alfred to win at first try. Nonetheless he took the biggest stuffed toy on display—a cute blue and white panda—and handed it over to Alfred who in turn, gave it to me.

     "Told ya I'd win you one" He winked.

     "Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes despite my smile as I took the panda in my arms, ignoring the jealous glares directed at me by girls (and the occasional guy).

    "So where are we off to next?" I asked him.

    "Well we've already been on the Space Mountain, the Teacups, the Haunted Mansion—uh..." He flinched at the memory, and so did I. When we first went inside that damn mansion it was our first date and that was when I realized just how much of a scaredy cat he was. I almost died of suffocation when he kept hugging me a little too tightly than I would have wanted. And today was no different

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