Abstinence (Denmark)

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This was a request.




the practice of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable (merriam-webster.com)

Mathias hates it when he has to leave for his country; not the fact that he's returning to his beloved homeland, but more because it means he'll be away from the home he has in your arms.

   "Five days. They'll fly faster than you think" You manage to calm him down during his pre-flight I-can't-leave-you panic.

   Five days. Mathias repeats, looking out the window to admire the sunset from the clouds.


   You sit down, trying to be patient, waiting for your lover to call and tell you he's arrived safely.

   He calls you the moment he lands, feeling much better when his brothers pick him up and welcome him home. He almost forgets about how sad he is when he finds his favorite dishes on the dining table. But then he remembers how you cook for him when he's upset, and then he gets depressed again.


   04:02. It's 04:02 when he calls to bid you good night and you can't say his suppressed sobbing helped in lulling you to sleep.

   He receives your "good morning" message at around 14:00 and he curses at the time difference.


   Work has piled up and yet you can't help but smile once you get the chance to check your phone, finding 32 IM's and 4 missed calls. Mathias' photo—him smiling goofily at the camera with an entire Danish sticking out his mouth—pops out all of a sudden but before you can answer his call, your boss comes in and you're forced to throw the device back in your purse.

   He drowns himself in beer and whisky and everything with edible alcohol he can get his hands on. You hate it when he drinks too much but he does it anyway just so Tino would inform you and he would be forced to listen to another speech about being a responsible adult. You'd be yelling and mad but at least you'll be paying attention to him.


   You eye your laptop wallpaper of Mathias, wanting him to come home.

   He stares at his phone background of you, wishing it to be Friday already.


   You lick your teeth, fiddling with your hair incessantly as you wait in the terminal. You feel like a hypocrite for telling Mathias time will pass by quickly when really it seemed to have dragged on forever. In the past days he's been gone, the only thing that was keeping you together was the thought of him coming back.

   The first four days were worth it to him. Now that he's back where he belongs (with you) he knows that he can't be away from you again. Ever.

Writing in the present tense feels like I'm writing a children's book XD

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