I Do Adore (England) 2 of 9

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Arthur rolled a magazine, ready to hit Francis, but he remembered that they weren't alone and opted to grab his former childhood friend's collar. "You're making her uncomfortable" He wanted to add wanker at the end of that sentence, but he bit his tongue as he didn't want to curse in front of a junior. Especially not in front of her.

Speaking of, [Name]'s entire face was tomato-red, two shades darker than the pink it was before these three twat-faced twats came. Not even hesitating, Arthur hauled Francis away from the table and away from [Name].

The frog raised both arms in defence. "It's always a pleasure to see a girl all cute and flustered. You're just jealous because you can't give the same effect"

The hell he can't, Arthur thought smugly.

"We happen to have tickets to Aiden Jackson's concert next week. Interested, princesa?" Antonio's smiles were always genuine, and they never failed to melt the hearts of every young lady.

"It's been a while since we've gone out to do something fun, no thanks to all those boring makeup sessions courtesy of the teacher's pet here." Gilbert jutted a finger in Arthur's direction "But for a cutie like you, we don't mind giving away our tickets. Go with your friends."

"Or maybe even with your lover." Francis suggested, not so subtly poking at Arthur's berserk button by messing with [Name]. "What's with that face?" Francis scrutinized her folding form with playful eyes "Don't tell me you're single? An adorable girl like you?"

"What's your name, darling?"

"[Name]" She whispered, unable to look him in the eye. Arthur's chest squeezed with jealousy and annoyance. [Name] only ever had that kind of reaction with him. Now this little shit was

"[Name]" Francis repeated, making a point to emphasize each syllable. He slid his elbow back on the table "Can I court you then?" He whispered huskily.

[Name]'s shoulders scrunched with embarrassment at the shameless flirtation. The frog was taking this too far.

Arthur knew exactly what he was doing. The cheese eater was trying to piss him off by attacking [Name]. (Attack might be a strong word but at this moment, Arthur couldn't think of a better term)

Everybody in his class knew that something was off when the Oh-so Perfect Prince of W.A. started spacing out during discussions and taking way too many toilet breaks. Even that bloody nitwit Alfred picked up on Arthur's attempts to meet with Class 3-6 as many times as possible.

However, no one ever actually pinpointed the person of interest until these three little turds came and ruined their private time. He even lied about having a vacant period. Mrs. Zbornak should be upstairs right now, beginning the period with questions about the alleged parallelism between Twilight and Pride and Prejudice. Arthur adored literature, and he admired his English teacher, but he has read every book in the syllabus. A few minutes of tardiness wouldn't hurt. Maybe it would, but he no longer cared for his father's reactions to a speck on his perfect attendance.

When Francis leaned a little closer, to the obvious uneasiness of his junior, Arthur stopped resisting his protective instincts. He grabbed Francis' arm and flipped him over.

[Name]'s fingers flew over her mouth, muffling her gasp. Arthur felt guilty for subjecting her to this kind of behavior, but she had nothing to worry about; Arthur had trained in aikido with Francis as children.

The frog rolled and got back on his feet in no time.

"I was just asking. It's not like you're interested." Francis' voice was sweet and it made Arthur's skin crawl.

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