Caged Bird (China)

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Another revised version of a previous work.
IMPORTANT: I found out recently that someone had tried to take a part of one of my stories (this one) and attempted to pass it own as their own at Wattpad. Plagiarism is a crime and it's really hurtful so please tell me if you find any eerie similarities. That's all, thank you and happy reading :-)

"Yao..." You look at your lover as he takes your pale, emaciated arm and gently scrubs it with a damp cloth.
   "Aren't you busy with work?" You ask softly, "You should leave me. I can take care of myself"   It's an obvious lie. You've been ill since last week; confined to your bed. You could barely sit up without help.
   He pauses and turns to you, "You know that I can't do that, Name" He continues with his work.
   You fall silent. Unable to say anything you both stay completely quiet. A gloomy atmosphere hangs in the air and weighed down on your chests.

You are regularly visited by China's finest doctors. After one visit, the doctors said that if you gain enough strength you could go outside for some fresh air and sunlight. And after some persuading with Yao, you did just that.
   You are walking around the palace garden, admiring the Chrysanthemums. Yao's panda was right behind you under the order of its master to watch over you.
   Spotting a baby bluebird on the ground near a tree, you picked it up gently. You looked up, a nest rested on a branch high above the grass. Feeling pity for the poor bird, you climb up the tree and carefully place it in the nest with its siblings.
   As you make your way back to the ground, your foot stepped on a weak branch and before you knew it; you were falling.
   You hear someone shout your name.
   You expected to break a limb or two but instead of the grass, you find yourself in a certain Chinese man's arms. He looks down at you. His eyes tell you every feeling he holds: shock, concern, and rage.

"What were you thinking?" Yao asks, pacing back and forth the room. The maidservants stand by the door. You sit quietly on your bed. Too tired to reply or fight with Yao, you just hang your head.
   "You could've killed yourself!" The black-haired man exclaims. He stands before you. You just stare shamefully on your fingers. Have they always been so frail-looking?
   "You can't leave your room again" You hear your lover say.
   Instantly, you shoot your head up. Your eyes fill up with anger and sadness, "You can't do that"
   "I can and I will" Yao said. You've never seen him like this before. He's always so sweet and caring and generous. What happened to him?
   He turns on his heels and walkstowards the door. "Never let her out of her sight. Make sure she stays in this room, understand?" He orders the servants and guards who bow, "As you wish"
   "Wait!" You shout, quickly you unwrap yourself from your silk sheets and run, "Wait! You can't—agh!" But before you could even make it half-way to the door, you fall on your knees and palms; panting. The maids gasp and hurry to your side. Yao and the guards are also shocked.    However, you fall unconscious before witnessing anything else.

"I'm envious" You whisper to the little bluebird that has perched itself on the window, "You're free to fly and live what's left of your life" You softly caress its head. It's been an entire month after you've become a prisoner in what was once your beloved home. Your sanity slowly slipping away as your health gradually deteriorates.

"Young mistress, you must eat something" One of your maids say, holding a tray above you and your bed.
   You shake your head. Without even looking at the old woman you reply, "Let me be"
   The woman sighs, in exhaustion and out of pity. You look worse than you did three months ago. Your lips have become dry. There are black bags beneath your lifeless eyes. It's like you're already a corpse.
   The door opens with a creak and a look of surprise finds its way to the maid's face. You don't have to turn your head to know who your unexpected visitor was.
   "Leave us" Yao tells the maid who immediately bows and runs out of the bedroom. He then turns to you. His eyes soften, "Name" He whispers your name.
   "I've been told that you haven't been eating since the last three days" He says, sitting on the edge of your bed.
   You don't reply. You just stare aimlessly at the open window.
   "Name..." He said your name again, "At least look at me"
   You answer with silence.
   After several minutes of unbothered stillness, Yao finally gives up on talking to you and left. "I'll come back tomorrow" He says before he departs through the door.

   "KYAAAAAAH!" The maid covers her eyes with her wrinkled hands. The guards rush inside the room and grow silent. Too shocked to do anything.
   "What's going on in here?" Yao runs inside but stops upon seeing a sight that would forever haunt him in his sleep and in every waking second.
   Slowly he steps towards your limped body. You lie near the open window, a bluebird rests on it.
   Yao pulls you into his embrace. You're light. So light that Yao almost believes that you starved to death. But in reality, he knows exactly what killed you: grief. And it was his entire fault.
   "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Tears spewed out of his eyes as he buried his face in your hair.

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