I Do Adore (England) 7 of 9

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I've recovered my tumblr account! :)

I post all my concepts and ideas for future stories as well as independent poems there, and if you have an account please do check it out: ronnie-mc-jones.tumblr.com. I've been struggling with writing lately and sometimes the only inspiration I need comes from you guys.

Furthermore, I'd like to say hi to Mich (HI MICH!!) and thank her for letting me share this awesome illustration of her and Arthur (taken from the first part of Chapter 6). She'd recently started a Deviantart account >> silvershells.deviantart.com. If you have a dA account please give her a warm welcome.

Thank you so much and enjoy the chapter <3


This was ridiculous. She felt ridiculous. [Name] couldn't believe she let Francis talk her into this. What's worse was that she was late for first period.

But there was no backing out now, so she gathered all her nerves, took a deep breath, and grabbed the doorknob.

There was a brief pause in the entire room when she entered. Their chemistry teacher adjusted his glasses. Ronnie dropped her pencil. Feliks whispered something into Laura's ear and they grinned at [Name]. Then the rest of her classmates whistled and applauded. Beautiful, she groaned and shimmied through the narrow aisles between the rows of chairs. Upon reaching her seat, Laura leaned in, "Nice."

[Name] gritted her teeth and bent her elbows on the table, "I get it, I look weird. Can we please focus on the lesson?"

She never told anyone about what happened to anyone and Ronnie had kept quiet, but Laura was at the mall that Saturday and even took a picture of Arthur with some girl.

"Au contraire, heartbreak looks great on you." She laughed at her own joke, but turned back to the whiteboard.

For the next two hours, [Name], along with everybody else, concentrated on stoichiometry and then the characteristics of cancer, but soon enough the lunch bell rang and her friends flocked around her before she could escape.

"Okay, spill." They demanded.

"It's nothing, I just thought . . . " [Name] slapped their hands away from her hair "I-I just thought a change would be nice."

"Real talk," Laura crossed her arms "In the past months that we've been coming to school together, attending classes together, eating at McDonald's* together, this is our first time seeing you with makeup on."

"Speaking of, awesome lipstick, what color is it?"

[Name] touched her mouth, she wasn't sure if this was lipstick or some lip tint. "I don't know" She recalled how Francis went to her place that Saturday and spent the entire afternoon helping her with her new appearance. And after a long debate, he'd convinced her to go to a trusted hair salon.

She wasn't against putting effort to look nice, but the change for her was so forced and immediate, it didn't feel right. Like she was somebody else entirely. Maybe she just needed time to adjust.

Laura leaned on the table, "So . . . "


"Any amusing anecdotes to share?"

"I have no idea what you mean." [Name] turned away.

"Don't even try to hide it. Is this sudden change some sort of coping mechanism? Your very own 'fuck you' to the glorious Kirkland?"

Feliks grinned "Don't worry, this is a good thing."

Laura raised her eyebrows. Feliks rolled his eyes "Think about it, she can finally let go, and when she lets go then she can move on, maybe back to fictional men like the rest of us."

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