The "L" Word (Fem!Reader) 1

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This is for my friends and classmates and all you Hetalians out there who are confused with who you are and what you're going to do. I'm not going to lie, I've never had to deal with that (at least I don't think so), but I've watched enough movies and read enough articles to know that it's a difficult struggle, especially when you're from a traditionalist/fundamentalist family.

I will say this, whether or not we believe the same God or gods; or if you just don't believe, stay strong. The world isn't as cruel as we make it out to be. There are people out there, real humans who won't judge you because of what you are or the kind of people you fall in love with. After all, as humans we're not perfect, all we can do is love with all we can because love is the best thing we do.

This story was inspired by Gone Home, and wish you will find my story as an inspiration to stay strong and support those who may be struggling with how their supposed to handle their sexuality. Also, I would like to apologize right now if my story has some inaccuracies of my portrayals--I don't have first-hand knowledge about what really goes on in relationships outside boy-girl; there's not that many people I can have this kind of conversation with.  


August 3, 19XX

Dear Diary,

You have no idea what it's like to enter a new school as a sophomore, because by then everyone already has their own little group of friends and you're left out standing by the sidelines in awkward silence. Everyone was polite; friendly but not friends... I guess that's what they mean by "alone in a crowd". So yeah, school kinda sucked major balls today.

I still can't believe we moved. It all happened so fast that I think I'm still in denial. I wake up every day thinking it was all a dream but then I see the different color of the walls and I'm reminded that I need to face reality.

I'm really bummed out, but mom and dad are still adjusting too so... I think I'm just going to have to keep a stiff upper lift. I don't wanna be the bratty teenage daughter in movies and TV shows that everyone just hates.
August 5, 19XX

Dear Diary,

Have you ever met someone who just... I dunno, who just demands attention? Not like by shouting or screaming for everyone to look at them but more like, like how they walk and talk. How they seem to have this aura that makes all heads turn?

Well, that's just how this girl—a senior—is. Her name's Amelia Jones and she's always wearing a bomber jacket. She's tall and pretty so it's only natural that she's the most popular girl in school. I've never really talked to her yet but I've heard a lot about her.

The cool kids from my class worship her, and even the stuck-up class valedictorian respects her for her exceptional knowledge about astronomy and physics. On my way home today, I saw her on the field practicing baseball. As you can tell, she's kinda awesome.
August 11, 19XX


I wish you were here, dude. Sorry, I probably shouldn't have written that first for a birthday card so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

How are you? How's everyone else? I wish you guys are having a crappy time without me.

I'm just kidding. I really do wish you have a happy birthday, and I wish I could be there with you guys. I have nobody to play Mario here. Feel free to visit if you're ever in town.
August 12, 19XX

Dear XXX,

School still kinda sucks, but it's grown bearable. I went to this arcade today and found a couple of girls from my school playing Sunset Riders. One of them was Amelia, I think I've mentioned her before in one of my letters. She noticed me and asked if I was the new kid in school. Great title, huh? (Insert sarcasm here).

Anyway, I told her she was right and she invited me to play Tekken. I kicked her ass but she vowed vengeance. She treated me to pizza and for the first time, I wasn't shy or intimidated at all, well, not with her. Soon enough we were talking about all this stuff and I was actually enjoying myself.

I'll be coming over to her place this weekend. Hopefully, I won't make a complete fool of myself like always do. But I don't know, dude. She makes me feel like... like I'm at home; like I actually belong.

Wish me luck.

More hugs and kisses,

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