I Do Adore (England) 5 of 9

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"What happened to your hand?" Feliks pointed at Ronnie's bandaged fingers.

"You're gonna love this. Remember how [Name] told Arthur she made him lunch? After school she came to me begging to be taught how to cook."

"I thought you didn't cook" Feliks tried his best not to laugh, his face twitched like it couldn't decide whether it was going to sneeze or not.

"I don't. Last night I asked Jason to come over and teach her. But since she and I are both graceful ladies I ended up with hot water on my hand"

Feliks let out a ha! "[Name] made Arthur lunch?"

"I'm not a complete wreck" [Name] defended.

"Remember to record everything that happens. That's your payment for getting me injured" Ronnie said as the lunch bell rang.

As their classmates filed out, Jason appeared with a grande-sized, iced green tea and then put a heart-covered lunchbox on Ronnie's desk "How's your hand?"

"Better than it was last night" She patted at the empty chair next to her and Jason took a seat.

"By the way, [Name]," Jason checked Ronnie's bandages while she sipped on the tea "Good luck"

"Thanks" [Name] took out the two Tupperware containers and sprinted outside.

Arthur stopped midway in the hall, eyes big with surprise from her sudden appearance. Clearly he hadn't expected her to spring out before he could go and greet her in the classroom.

He smiled "Morning"

"Good morning" She breathed, "As promised, I made you lunch again"

"Thank you. Want to eat on the roof?"

The roof? Where the other seniors and juniors ate; a good number of them being Arthur's admirers who would talk with him while leaving her out?

"Um, can't we eat somewhere else? It's really sunny today and I burn easily."

"Right, sorry. How about the garden then? Only a few people ever go there because it's far from the main building but if you don't mind—"

"Yeah, that sounds great!" She didn't want to be selfish but her time was running out.

Just as Arthur said, when they reached the rose garden there was only the gardener and two stray cats.

Arthur pulled out a seat for [Name] and she set the lunches on the table.

He wiped his fork and knife with a napkin "Fish and chips?"

"I-I'm sorry. I know they're kind of plain, but I—" She bit her tongue before she could say "I watch you every chance I get so I know that you order fish and chips whenever it's on the menu." She reconstructed her sentence, "I was just in the mood . . . ?"

"I meant that they're my favorite" He chuckled.

She'd been feeling insecure about the whole ordeal, but Jason and the girls told her to get pass that feeling. A conversation from last night suddenly rang in her memory.

"Look, he's a solid guy, occasional pain in my ass aside." Jason dumped the charred fish fillets in the trash bin by the fridge "But it will be a cold day in hell before he makes a move on anyone, so if you want my advice, just ask him out."

Then a memory of Laura and the others came.

"The worst thing that could go wrong is that he says no"

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