The One with the Oreos (2P!America)

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"I'm sorry about this, Jason" I mumbled, ashamed and full of guilt as I put down our luggage on the floor.

"Babe, c'mon, that's the fifth time you've apologized since we arrived" He chuckled.

I pulled a pink-striped chair and helped him sit down before taking my seat next to him. I rested my elbows on the table and buried my face in the palm of my hands "Still. I'm a horrible fiancée!"

"Ah, it was my fault for being an asshole. I should be the one saying sorry" He said as he wrapped his unharmed arm around my shoulder to pull me into a hug.

"Mhm..." I just hummed without saying a word, letting him kiss my forehead.

The bell attached to the bakery's egg shell-white door rang and in came James with his hockey stick slung over his shoulder. He crossed the room and approached our usual table. However, upon seeing the cast on Jason's arm and his bandaged head, James let out a rare chuckle.

"Shut up, James!" Jason growled, squeezing me tighter against him in an effort to keep his calm. But let's face it, Jason doesn't keep calm. He's the kind of person whose entire nature screamed "I won't keep the fuck calm. I will raise Hell and break shit".

James took his seat in front of us. He put the hockey stick down on the chair next to him and pulled up his shades, "W-" He bit his lower lip, trying not to laugh "What the Hell happened to you? Lost your ass to Luciano again?"

"You don't know shit, James" Jason spat. I grabbed his hand to calm him down. Today, I'm going to play the perfect girlfriend. It was the least I could do after, well...

"Welcome back!" Oliver suddenly appeared from the back, "I was going to pick you guys up from the airport but I wanted to make you two lovebirds your favorite Oreo cupcakes, and don't worry, James; I made special maple cupcakes for you"

I cringed when he mentioned the term "Oreo". Though it was my favorite food (well, one of my favorite foods) I wasn't really in the mood. Jason must've felt my sudden shift because he rubbed his gloved hand up and down my arm in a gentle, comforting manner.

"How—what on Earth, Jason?" Oliver almost dropped the tray when he walked over to our table and noticed Jason's injuries "What did you do? You picked a fight with Luciano again, didn't you?"

"Cool it, Oliver" Jason sighed.

I spoke up and explained "He... Well, I kind of pushed him... down the stairs..." I whispered the last part.

"What?" Oliver's blue-pink eyes widened and James burst out laughing.

I let my head hit the surface of the white wooden table. Beside me, Jason angrily shouted at James, telling him to shut up. Just then the smell of whiskey and tobacco filled the room. I didn't have to look up to know it was Francois.

I heard footsteps followed by the sound of one of metal screeching against the wooden floor.

"What happened to you?" Francois spoke, clearly asking Jason.

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Well... then at least tell us all about your trip" Oliver insisted.

"I don't think so" Jason leaned back in his seat. We all fell quiet but then he cursed "Who the Hell just leaves the fire exit open?"

***Three Days Earlier, Las Vegas***

"Y-you..." He finally stopped running, but I wasn't done "You ate my Oreos..."

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