Look at Me (Italy)

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A/N: This was a request. I doubt that it's what you expected but I hope it's enough.
I was staring again.

She just walked inside the classroom, head was bowed down while she read Petrarch: The Complete Collection.  Petrarch... "She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine".

Her hair was neatly tied in a fishtail braid, a few uneven locks strayed. She didn't like it when her hair was loose and covered her face, finding it bothersome and impractical. Though that made me wonder why she wouldn't just cut it all off; she'd still be as pretty.

I sighed, resting my chin on my palm and leaning on my elbow as I watched her take her seat.
She was one of the new kids here at Seven Seas High, having transferred for her sophomore year. When I asked her once about the reason why wanted to come she told me it was a secret. I remembered how my heart skipped a beat when she giggled as she played with the gold cross of her necklace.

I found her pretty from the start, when I first bumped onto her during the opening orientation. But then time passed and I found myself in love. The way she handled things with such focus and determination; the way she stayed calm during most situations...

Then there's how she was able to speak words as though poetry came as natural as breathing. How she could whisper to my heart better than anyone else—how she breaks it every day, too.

My smile faltered when I saw the tomato charm dangle from the zipper of her backpack as she put it down. Cue the person who gave it to her.

"Buenos diaz" Antonio came in and greeted her with a smile.

She forgot about her book, the one she was scowling at so seriously just a second earlier, dropping it on her desk to embrace him.

My heart clenched when she smiled back at him. She wasn't someone who smiled that brightly on a usual basis, most of her smiles were small and brief, but when she's looking at him it's like she met the sun after cold winter.

Why couldn't you look at me like that? I asked silently.

From the very start, she always showed interest in Antonio. She would lose focus when he was around, forget about anybody else in the room when he passed by, and had a smile reserved only for his company. She never even hugged anyone as calmly as she did with him—whenever I tried to hug her she would stiffen.

He eventually bade goodbye as he was going to be late for his next class. She waved and returned to her seat, eyes focusing on the pages of her book once again.

Why won't you look at me the same way you look at him?

I stared at my sketch book. Yesterday I found her taking a nap on the deck, a book lying down on her stomach as she snored quietly. Unable to resist, I drew her under the sunset.

Looking at her now, my paintings and sketches could never compete, the seriousness in her eyes and soul of her smile. All those signs of life, all those pieces of her. I couldn't copy them down on the canvas nor could I ever have them.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I watched her pick up her things and jog out the door.

"How about we discuss the clubs—Feliciano!" Ludwig was going to get angry again but I had to see why she was in a hurry so I followed her to the hall.

It wasn't really a surprise but I found her running towards Antonio again.

I let my shoulders sulk as I went back inside the classroom. It didn't matter. If I tried to talk to her she'd ask me if I had any work to do. She never wanted me around, maybe I was too much work for her.

Ludwig suggested that the three of us—he, Kiku, and I—go eat somewhere and discuss the next plan for the newspaper. I cheered up at the thought, I could have pasta and smoothies.

However, when the three of us met up at the juice bar, I found the ragazza and Antonio laughing together. The jealousy grew. I never once saw them together out of uniform.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't bring myself to talk. This was the final straw.

When I returned to my bedroom my brother was fast asleep, probably napping. That was good, I didn't want him to see what I hid in my closet.

I got back to the deck. It was already past our curfew of nine o'clock but I never did pay attention to time.

I put down the suitcase and opened it, checking the contents. A small part of me—all right, a lot me didn't want to do this, but letting go is the first step to moving on, right?

"Feli?" I froze. What was she doing here?

"Feli?" She repeated as she neared me. I noticed that she wore a special uniform. I forgot that she was hall monitor, "What are you doing here?"

"A-ah" I turned around and tried to cover the suitcase, "J-just an evening stroll. I-I couldn't sleep"

She crossed her arms together and giggled, "You do know it's way past curfew, don't you?"

I smiled sheepishly but then she blinked, "What's that?"


"That. Behind you" She took a step closer, I stretch both arms out to stop her.

"I-i-it's nothing, p-please go now. I'm sure there are others to send to jail out here!"

She raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Feli, please move"

I stiffened. She was a lot like Ludwig when she tried.

Kneeling down, she reached for the suitcase. She took out her flashlight and I knew that my life was over.

"What..." I could feel the way her eyes widened as she examined all my sketches and canvases, "I-is this me?"

No longer capable of keeping it a secret, I burst.

"Waaah! Bella, please, I'm sorry. I just really think you're so pretty and so smart that I couldn't ever stop thinking about you but then I realized that you and Antonio were together so I kept my heart shut and art was the only way I could keep myself together but then I just couldn't stand you two so happy so I decided to throw away all my paintings and drawings so I could finally move on but then you found me. I'MSORRY! Bella, please don't hate me!" I sobbed against her chest.

I waited for her reply but then I felt her body quiver. I looked up and found her laughing.


"Oh, Feli" Her gloved hands took me by the cheeks and I felt her chapped lips on mine. I melted into the kiss and fell to my knees.

She pulled away from me and I merely stared at her.

"Feli... Antonio and I... he's my brother"

I blinked, "What?"

"We lost each other because of a fire. He's all I have left, and we never told anyone because we didn't want to make a big deal about it... I came to this school to find him, but you're one of the reasons why I stayed"

Her eyes softened "You always saw me with him, but you never saw me" She brushed back my bangs, "I love you, Feliciano. You silly Italian... You never notice me when I blush every time you hug me, you never notice the way you make me feel gooey, and you never notice how I try my best not to blush when you're with me. You never see how I try my best to make sure you don't do anything reckless"

"But... but you barely look at me..."

She laughed and kissed my nose, "I guess we were always so busy staring we never saw eye to eye"

Author's Note: FINALLY! That was a challenge. Anyway, I hope you all liked it. Stay awesome!  

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