Chapter Sixteen

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I slept in his arms again— and in his suit jacket—and now I'm waking in them once more. Last night was hectic. Actually, the whole day was pretty hectic. At least I don't have to worry about Zack since he's out of town.

Matt didn't tell me much about Jude, even though I kept prying. He kept it simple and said annoying things like, it's better if you don't know. Who the hell is he to decide that. This is my sister we're talking about, my flesh and blood. She's my only sister and I've only just gotten her back. I can't let another man come between us and destroy this peaceful reconciliation.

Stirring in his sleep, Matt shift towards me and groans as he pulls me into his chest, "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper.

"Don't go..."

"I won't."

"Lisette..." He lets the last syllable drag on for centuries.


"Lisette..." He snores.

"Are you asleep?"

"Lisette?" He mumbles.

"Oh my, are you sleep talking?" I snicker.

"Lisette?" His voice becomes sharper.

"Matt, I'm right here."

"No!" He screams.


"No, please!" He squeezes his eyes shut and pulls me in closer. "Lisette!"

I shake him and tap his chest, "Matt wake up. Wake up now!"

"No don't take her! Please leave her alone!"

I wriggle out of his tough grip and try to shove him awake, but that only makes it worse.

"No! Don't take her from me!" Sweat starts to form on his brow and he clings on to me for dear life and I feel the air escape my lungs.

"Matt—please. Wake—I can't... Breathe!" I choke.

"She's mine! I'm sorry! You just can't! I didn't mean it! It wasn't my fault! It wasn't my fault!"

I bang on his back weakly, trying to get him to release me.

"I wasn't my fault! It wasn't my fault!" He repeats and writhes in the bed with his arms still around me and I suffocate in his grip.

Words can no longer escape my lips so I bang on his chest and arm and back, which has no effect at all. I cough and bite into his shoulder and he hisses at the pain, which loosens his grip. I push back and almost get out of his hold. When I feel him reel me back in, I reach forward and swing my palm across his face.

"No!" I shout.

He lets me go and I wince at what I've done. Breathing rapidly, he shakes and I pull his body on top of mine and cuddle him. Slowly, his eyes open and he looks up at me.

"You stayed." 

I have no idea what his dream was about, but I can't have that happening again. I stroke his hair and hold him close to me. Nuzzling into my chest, he kisses my collarbone and hums peacefully.

"What was the dream about?"

"It's better if you don't know." He whispers and falls asleep.


Now I'm waking up alone. I'm in his huge suit jacket and nothing else. Late last night, I got a bit tired of my jeans and took them off. My hair is in a messy bun that topples down as I sit up once I hear the sound of knocking on the door. I'm still in the same room as before from when I passed out outside of Maria's house. This is her place and it's absolutely beautiful. From what I remember about the lounge and foyer, it's pretty clear this is quite the dream home. I prefer Matt's bed though.

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