Chapter Thirty-One

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The part that hurts the most is the fact that I expected to be at his place. With him, holding him, kissing him, loving him. But instead, I'm alone in my room. Hm, I guess nothing bad can happen to me here... Right?

Denny just took me home. I have a boring cast. It's annoying. It takes up loads of space. Unnecessary space. I miss Matt. I love Matt. He's not here though. He left. Me. I'm alone in my room now. He left. Me. Alone, in this room it's so cold. It's warm outside, but my heart is gone so no blood is pumped around my body, so no warmth is evident since. He left. Me.

Now, when I tell him about Zack, he's going to be even more furious. I wish he let me go home to him. I wish he was holding me. I'm so uncomfortable alone in this bed. I miss when he used to come over onto the bed and cuddle me while I slept. I miss him so much. Now I know what he felt. I'm alone lying flat on my bed. Dear Christ, bring him back to me.


I look up at the door and see Denny peeking in with kind eyes.

"You have a visitor." He smiles.

I crawl under my covers. I don't want to see anyone right now. In my whole life, I have never cried so much or felt so much pain. With everything going on right now, I need Matt. I don't think I can do all this without him. It's too hard to breathe. I just wish I didn't have to go through this.

I wish I died in that crash.

Someone sits on the bed next to me. Their weight is too hefty to be any female I know. Even Alice doesn't take up that much space. It can't be Denny because the man on my bed seems a lot heavier than Denny. He smells so good. I know this smell. I smelled this before when he hugged me. The person slowly pulls down the covers. It's him.


"Hey. How're you feeling?" He smiles.

"I wish I was dead." I groan.

"Hey don't say that. We know more about Claire because of you. If you were gone—"

"Ace. You can't change anything. My whole life is in tatters. I have nothing left!"

He starts to stroke my hair.
"You have your brother who's expecting a beautiful baby. You have Matt—"

"That's just it, though. I don't have Matt. He broke up with me." I bring my safe hand to my eyes and cover my face.

"Why on Earth would any man break up with you?"

"I hurt him, but it was for a good reason, but I didn't tell him so he thinks it was for no reason and he doesn't like that. I really hurt him."

"Surely, he can try to understand."

"Imagine the worst pain anyone could cause you. Have you got it?" I ask.

He smiles and nods.

"Imagine that person did it for no good reason at all. How would you feel?" I put my palm on his arm.

"Like I've been betrayed. And like a piece of shit."

"Well I made Matt feel like that." I frown.

Ace leans over and plays with my hair.
"Are you gonna win him back?"

"I don't think I can." I keep my face covered. I can't face anyone right now.

I feel a hefty weight shift onto the bed and I feel Ace's arms around my waist. Holy shit! He's under the covers!

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