Chapter Twenty-Six

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Fifteen minutes early, Matt pulls up at HQ and turns off the ignition. He still looks a bit flushed and is almost definitely still erect. He turns over to me and puts his hand on my cheek. Leaning over, he kisses me so gently and my heart prickles, captivated by him.

Pulling back, he smiles at me, "did I tell you how beautiful you look today, my love?"

His hand still rests on my cheek and I grab it with mine. I feel my eyes become drawn to his and I stare at the milky brown, tinged with radiant green shadows. His eyes are beautiful. I wish our children have his eyes.

I smile and rest my head on his palm, "yes you did, when you dressed me."

"Well, I'll say it again. You look beautiful, Lisette."

I feel my heart beat faster in a way that feels like it's banging outward only to get closer to Matt. He leans back in and kisses me again and my heart rate slows right down to the rhythm of our tongues. The sound of traffic and people walking by becomes drowned out and I can only hear his breathing and the sound of our tongues meeting and brushing each other. I'm no longer in that seat in the car, all I feel are his hands, holding and supporting me. My skin roughens with goosebumps, but he doesn't care. Instead, he pulls me closer, as if to keep me warm against him. He's always so warm. It's probably because he's so hot.

"I love you." He breathes as he pulls back.

"I love you too."

"Shall we?" He gestures to the door and the world beyond, that I had just forgotten about.

I nod and he gets out of the car. Nowadays, I don't even bother trying to open the door, he always beats me to it and it seems like he genuinely likes it.

Pulling open the door, he stands and waits for me to exit with his hand held out. I grab his hand and put my first white heel out first and the next, the rest is him. He pulls me up and I'm knocked into his body. He always drives me everywhere so I know what to expect. He kisses me deeply and I hear him close the door and then lock it.

After he pulls away, he keeps me at his side and presses me into his body as we walk into the building together. His arm is around my waist but his hand rests slightly above my hips.

"Sweet Jesus, I love the way you walk."

I giggle when I remember what happened the last time he said that to me.

As if he remember too, he dips his head down to my ear and whispers in a low voice, "I think it is the way they sway for me."

I snort a little as he opens the door for me and we enter the building.

"And it's the way they drive me crazy." He whispers once more with a huskier tone as he calls the lift down.

We step inside and we're the only one in it. As soon as the door closes, he presses the button for the top floor, which is two floors above the one I usually work on. The higher your floor, the more important you are. It's one of the easiest ways to keep track of the hierarchy.

The lift starts moving and he walks towards me, "drive me crazy." He hisses.

He attacks my lips with such power. His spectacular size battles with my much smaller one and knocks me against the wall of the lift. Travelling behind me, his hands clench my ass and he even gives it a hard smack. His hands clutch my hips and then squeeze my breasts. One of his hands go to my hair and tugs down, hard. With this, he takes control, dominating me and putting me in my place. Fiercely, he bites down on my bottom lip and tugs on it. All of a sudden, he thrusts his hip into me and I feel his stone erection at my hip.

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