Chapter Forty-Three

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Most mornings don't start off like this and there's a good reason why...

It's just the way he's standing. Why is he standing like that? His full height is extended and his massive size is evident, very evident. His distinct features stand out right now more than I have ever seen them. His eyes... His arms, long, large, so powerful, exploding out of his black T-shirt. His inky black hair is messy, much like a serious case of bed hair. Now that I think of it, his eyes are drowsy, yet sharp and his cheeks are stained with fatigue. He looks as if he's just woken up.

The demanding tone that escapes from him, leaves me breathlessly cowering into Denny's chest, turning my head away from him.

"Lisette." That authoritative tone has the hairs on the back of my neck seizing the sky. "What happened? Why is the furniture all messed up and why are you crying, my love?" He says more calmly than before.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pull away from Denny. Just the smell of Matt's body leads me to him, reaching my arms out for him. The moment I feel his precious body against mine, I completely deflate into his arms, trembling as my eyes drown alone and weary.

The sweet feeling of his soft palm stroking my hair soothes me like nothing else. Answering my prayers, his lips press softly against the top of my head, kissing my hair while inhaling deeply.

"What happened my love?" He whispers so softly.

Oh, how do I tell him something like this! Would be even believe me?

No. He wouldn't.

"My father... The funeral is tomorrow." I breathe shakily.

He pulls back and pulls my chin up, examining me with his eyes searching my face.

"I thought we were going to start being honest." He mutters, almost under his breath.

"We are."

His eyes turn away from mine, accepting my lies. "Denny," he calls, "tell me."

I turn to face Denny. His eyes are low and I notice how obvious it is that he's been in a fight. His cheek is slightly swollen and his lip looks cut.

"Ask Zack." He growls and walks away. When he gets to the door, he turns around, staring Matt dead in the eye, "I'm not an idiot, Matt. The secret you're hiding..." He clenches his jaw, looking at Matt as if he's a stranger. "I'm too scared to even pester you about what it is."

The way Matt looks down is remorseful and somewhat ashamed. At last, the door shuts. Denny's left.

My eyes look up to Matt. Is he going to ask anymore questions, or did Denny successfully shut him up?

"Zack was here." His voice drops. The words come out as a statement, not a question.

"Yes." I don't even recognise my own voice.

He walks into the kitchen and I carry on clinging on to him, refusing to let go of his body.

"He attacked you." Matt continues, stating and not asking.


"Denny intervened but Zack got away." He concludes.


After he pours a long glass of water, he passes it to me.

"Drink." He commands and I obey instantly.

The water is cool and slides down my throat smoothly, without any hassle.

"Where did he touch you?"

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