Chapter Twenty-Two

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Fuck the time.

"What!" My heart rate increases in horror, "are you saying—"


My eyes widen in fear and my lips and hands quiver. I allowed this man to be around my sister and touch her and... He's a murderer!

"Was i-i-it an a-accident?" I tremble while tears fall down my eyes.

"No." He replies straight away as his hands twitch by his sides.

"He just s-shot him?" I breathe rapidly as I await his answer.


I feel my legs give out as I do what I do best and jump to conclusions in my head and create drastic theories of the death of the man. Ignoring my protests to release me, Matt catches me and holds me against his strong, hard body.

"T-t-torture?" It's the only thing I can manage to get out as the shock overtakes me.


"No!" I cry out.

"Shh. It's okay." He pets my hair.

I push him back and stare at him with wide, alarmed eyes, "Claire! What if he did something to Claire!"

Levelled, he stares at me as if he isn't gonna give me any shit this time.
"Honestly, that's what I think." I gasp with a sob once he says that and he shushes me, "but I have my doubts. That's not why he hurts people, being dumped that is."

"There is not meant to be a reason, Matthew! We need to tell the police."

"Whoa no!" He shouts.

I glare at him. "No? Are you crazy!"

"They'll arrest him for sure. The cops always go for the boyfriend."

"Maybe they should. It was him, I know it was!"

His brows furrow inquisitively.
"How could you be so sure?"

"Were you there?"

"When?" he wraps his around my waist.

"When he killed that man?"

"Woman. It was a woman."

I grimace, "well were you?"

"No. He told me after."

"How did he seem?"

He sighs exasperatedly, "okay I get the point. He was ecstatic! He still wouldn't kill Claire."

I feel bile rise up my throat, "kill Claire! Oh my God no! Please no! He'll kill her? No please!" I cry and fall into his chest.

"Shh. I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean that."

"Do you really think she's dead?"

"No. She's a tough cookie."

I chuckle a bit, "you think?"

He strokes my cheek, "I know."

Leaning up, I plaster my lips on his and let our seal guide us. I remain in his arms and allow myself to appreciate how safe I feel.

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