Chapter 1

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I sat in my chair nervously. What was I supposed to do say hi, NO, YES? I look over at my science partner, damn he was fine but of course he was, I mean the new guy fresh meat to girls in my school it's only been 2 days going on 3 and so many girls already came onto him. As far as I know he said 'No' to each one of them.

But I don't want to get envolved in that kind of thing to much drama and I don't think he's my type, I have to keep my eyes on my work. If I can.

"Eva do you happen to know the answer?" My teacher asked me. Oh shit! No I don't, but if I shake my head no everyone will laugh at me OH NO.

I look up and began to shake my head no when suddenly someone blurted out the answer. "2.765!" I look over at Julian (my science partner) he was staring at the teacher while I stared at him.

"Correct Julian, but next time raise your hand."

I kept staring at him, knowing my shy self I was to scared to say thank you. I didn't know if he would even care. My anxiety is so bad I can't even say thank you? Great going Eva.

The bell rings and I pack my stuff quickly but don't want to be the first one out. "You're welcome" I heard from behind me I turn around only for Julian to walk past me. Kind of rude but I'm sure he has reasons. I hate to be mean to people because I know how it feels so I don't want to be rude and go shove past him and do the same.

I walk down the hall to my next class. I hate 2nd period it's the worst. I have P.E. I'm not that much into sports to actually play because I'm afraid of failing the whole team, but I'll play with my friends.

I walk in the girls dressing room instantly smelling the powerful scent of all kinds of perfume and sweat. I walk to my spot and start getting dressed really fast before they co- the door opens and I already hear they're voices.

They set they're stuff down on the benches and I turn around so they don't see me shirtless. Too late. "Hey Eva, couldn't fit in the shirt you bought? Boobs too big?" Madi shouts.

"Couldn't fit in your jeans either, I wonder why? Oh wait I know you have fat thighs." Char's 'girlfriends' start laughing with her and I try to ignore them.

I look down at my thighs I see the scars and the fat. I need to stop eating, I need to work out more. I put my converse back on and run out before tears came.

They always made me so mad and upset, but what they say is true it's just nobody else has the guts to tell me. Everyone else in the world is so beautiful and perfect why am I the only one not like that?

We played baseball and I got lucky enough to where I never had to hit. I got dressed super quickly while the girls talked to coach. I put on my vanilla deodorant and sprayed perfume.

I ran out before the bell rang and went to my next class with my only friend in it, Jollie. I don't use my locker I just carry my bag everywhere, so I'm never late, but Jollie is almost always late in this class, so is the teacher.

Oh one more thing, Julian is in this class too.

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