Chapter 12

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I look at the time on my phone and see school is out. I should see if Julian is coming my way. For some reason I'm not confident about myself but not confident enough to wear shorts in public, so I put some leggings on with a baggy shirt. So comfortable.

I leave my phone in the house and work up some courage to go outside to see if he's walking this way. I sit on my pourch waiting.

Now that I think of it where does Julian live? With his family? In the wild, I mean he is a Vampire. I'm still doubting he is, kind of. I mean I've never met a Vampire and I didn't even think they were real. I wonder why Julian even came to me. He's so sweet to me and I like that it's just I can't get close last time I got close, the boy broke my heart and left.

I look down at the side walk and see him. He actually came this way! I jump up, calm down you're being weird. I walk slower towards him and try to calm down my smile. "Hey" I said walking towards him going by his side.

I see him start to smile but then he stops and keeps walking. Did he not hear me? "Hey?" It came out like a question. He looks at me in the eyes. He looks me up and down and keeps walking. I freeze what the fuck is his problem? I knew this would happen. He never did actually like me. Not even as a friend

Just go to your room and cry. I run past him shoving past his shoulder. That jerk! I climb in bed and cry in my pillow. I can't believe I thought he would be my friend or even more.

Julian's POV

Okay there she is, work the meanness. She walks fast towards me and I start to smile but stop. Be mean. "Hey" she says. Don't answer. I ignore her "Hey?" She said more like a question.

I look at her face, she's so pretty, focus! Then I look her up and down, damn that body! Then I keep ignoring her. She stops in her tracks and I just keep walking. Is it working or no?

She runs past me shoving me, I don't budge, I'm much more stronger than her. I see her run inside. I soften and regret even taking a jocks advice on how to get human girls. Ugh! So stupid!

I run on her pourch dropping my bag on one of the chairs. I run in her house closing the door behind me. I run up the stairs and get there withing 2 seconds.

I open her bedroom door and I instantly get hit with a pillow in the face. I like it when she's playful but she's not being like that right now. I hear her sob, what the fuck did I do? I made her cry that's what I did.

I am so angry with myself. I jumped on her bed and tilted her head up, a little too rough but I couldn't help it I was naturally too strong, built to kill. She looks at me her eyes red as tears fall down her cheeks "First my mother now you" she says.

I hold her chin staring at her lips. I couldn't help but want to kiss her. "I'm sorry" I say to her looking in her eyes. I'm too strong I couldn't hold back if I kissed her.

"Stay still don't move" I say. I don't want to hurt her. I lean in looking at her lips. I stay still as our lips lightly touch but not enough to kiss. I look down at her lips. Just kiss her.

I lean in slowly and kiss her, she's so soft, her lips so warm. I can't control myself, I move deeper into her lips. She moans and it drives me crazy. I push her down on the bed climbing between her legs. She runs her fingers through my hair. Oh my god I can't do it. I yank away.

She has shock in her eyes and I have the same look. That was the best kiss ever. I've never had so much passion. "Do it again" she stares at my lips. Oh god how I want to but I'll hurt her.

"I don't want to hurt you" I say.

"Then change me" she looks deep into my eyes.

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