Chapter 29

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Eva's POV

I lay my head on his lap happy I got to make love to him before he leaves. "When will you be back?" I asked nervously hoping he'll be back very soon. I've never been away from Julian for very long.

"In a month I promise, since winter is coming and most animals are hibernating, my family are going somewhere we can hunt a little easier without snow being in the way, on top of that we're also going to visit very skilled relatives." He explained. I was excited for him to see his family but I don't want to go back to the old house I once lived in.

"Can I still 'camp out' in your house? I'm scared to go back to mine" I asked hoping he would say yes. I'm positive that the house is owned by new people, it's been a while and the bill wasn't payed but all my stuff was in there and a lot of my clothes.

"You only have five outfits here, we should pick up all of your clothes" he caressed my hair. He was so good to me, I know I love him but I know I shouldn't admit that.

I nod my head and he suddenly flinches. "Oops sorry!" I sit up knowing I rubbed my head on his.....uh stuff. I suddenly felt a heavy pain on my butt. I stand up and my legs felt like noodles they felt numb but I could keep my self up.

My ass hurts, my legs are numb, and my inner thighs and sex burn. Sure, the sex was great, pain and pleasure but mostly pain. I look at Julian hurt filled eyes, this wasn't his fault. Well it was but he couldn't control it.

"Why can't you change me? This wouldn't hurt, you can let loose, I'll be one of you, and excepted by your mom probably" I crossed my arms at my chest. I stood there in my underwear and bra, Julian eyes burned holes through my body.

He looked in my eyes, I saw his deep black eyes full of hurt, he thought the pain he done was on purpose but it wasn't. "Ev I would love to be human, be I'm not I was born a vampire and its not my fault, this is a choice for you and you want to suck blood from animals or even humans if you can't control yourself? I don't want that, the color in your body will fade and your beautiful eyes will no longer be green. You'll still be beautiful I just don't want you to be like me" he looked down at the ground.

I knew what he meant but he kept his word to change me this week, I want him to let loose, I want him to love me as one of him. "Can we go get my clothes?" I asked changing the subject. I didn't want to talk to him about me being human. Me being human sucked, I get bullied by girls by being thick, my mom died and my dad abandoned me, of course changing me wouldn't change that but it would let me start over, with the man in front of me.

He shook his head and grabbed his keys. I got dressed and fixed my hair as we went to my old house.

We pulled up in the driveway as he parked the car. I went to the front door and looked at the window on my right, a new lamp was in the window. I went to open the door but it wouldn't open. There's no cars here, someone already took the house? Well of course its been a while and its quite big of a house.

Julian looked at me through the window of the car. I shrug my shoulders at him and he nods his head. He steps out the car "we'll go through your old window."

He said the word old too, he knew I hated this house and I the memories it has.

I did as before, climbed on his back as he climbed to the window opening it. I'm surprised it was unlocked. I jump in my old room and see the walls painted pink. Someone else definitely lived here.

I found a suitcase of stuff on the bed full of stuff that wasn't mine, there was a bucket of paint with a brush. They must of just moved in. The bed sheets were the same, and the closet still had my clothes. I grabbed them and handed them to Julian taking the hangers too.

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