Chapter 19

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"Okay girls get in a single file line to get weighed" coach said as Char went first. Coach wrote her weight down and Char smiled. She walked past me opening her paper that was folded. "I bet you can't get this weight" she shook the paper in my face. Ugh! She weighs 125 pounds.

She walks into the dressing room to get dressed I look back at Ally and she shrugged at me. I like Ally a lot and she seems to be a new friend of mine. I suddenly realize I'm next and I don't want to do this. But I have to. I step on the scale as it reaches to 133 pounds. Char was right I couldn't get that weight.

I step off as Coach gives me my paper and I head off to the dressing room. I rip the paper and shove it in the trash. I pull out my first outfit and take off my shirt. Ally walks in and sees me. She walks over and stares at my upper body exposed except my breast. "What is something wrong?" I ask looking at my body. She shakes her head as she looks nervous.

"What was your weight?" She asked. Should I tell her? No wait yes she probably got less of a weight then me but I guess it'll make her feel better if she hears mine.

"133 pounds" I look down at the ground putting my shirt on and then take off my pants. Ally steps close and at first I'm scared of what she's doing but she just grabs her bag.

"I weigh 148 pounds" she smiles. That's not bad at all her body was built for the shape to be thick and man did it look good on her. She's proud of her body I wish I could say the same.

I hear the bell ring and Ally looks at me getting my stuff together. "What class do you have next?" I ask and she shrugs. I can see her being one of the hot school rebels. She hands me her schedule and we don't have any other classes together except this one.

"Looks like we only have this class together" I make a frowny face and she giggles. Okay, wow, I think I am girl crushing because that was the cutest giggle ever. We walk out the dressing room and start to head towards my next class until I see Julian heading my way.

Oh shit he's going to see Ally and think she's prettier than me and leave me for her. Julian gets closer to us but he doesn't take his eyes off me. All of a sudden I feel his cold arms wrapping around me and his cold lips on mine.

He pulls away and smirks at me. "I missed you so much" he kisses me again and I forget that Ally is there. Shit I don't want to be rude. I pull away and smile at the fact he couldn't even spend an hour away from me.

"Julian this is Ally" I point to her and she smiles at him. Julian looks at Ally with a curios look and then finally smiles back at her shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, new?" He asked her and I could feel butterflies in my stomach but not the good kind. JULIAN IS MY PERSON!!! I wish I would have yelled that, but I didn't I kept my cool and didn't say anything.

Ally looks at me with soft eyes and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you for showing me around and everything" she lowers her hand lower down my back. I ignore it and hug her back. She pulls away and waves goodbye to me as she goes in a different direction.

I see Julian staring at her with a glare as she walks away. No! No! No! He likes her! Okay Eva stop jumping conclusions Okay. Just keep calm. Julain looks at me and open his mouth to speak as he wraps and arm around me. "She seemed a bit too touchy around you and she was nervous a lot. I think she likes you" he said with a stern face.

I shake my head and smile at it as Julian looked at me curiously "Why does that matter? I'm yours" I hold his hand and as I say those last two words he clentches his hand and suddenly I feel myself agasint a wall. Julian looks at me with black lustful eyes. What the fuck is he doing?

He kisses me hard and I like it, for once it felt like he's letting go. He usually hold back but this it felt like he couldn't help it. He bit my lip and moved his tongue on mine. He forcefully pulls himself away and looks down at the ground and looks back up at me. "You're damn right you're mine" he says as he pulls me to my next class.

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