Chapter 37

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Here you go! I’m sorry for the delay…I’ve been sick since Friday night, which has really sucked. So I apologize if this chapter isn’t that good.

THIS IS A NEW CHAPTER. (See my P.S. if you're confused.)

P.S. I know the reads, comments, and votes are ridiculously high already, but I got my original Chapter 26 back and decided to delete the text and just insert this new chapter since I had already re-posted Chapter 26. That way, I get to keep all the numbers I had lost when I deleted it by mistake! I felt so deliciously smart when I thought of it but now people are confused so I'm really sorry! I know it’s cheating a little but…oh well. Although now that I think about it, this may mean that the people who voted for the original Chapter 26 can’t vote for this chapter. Argg…I guess I can’t win no matter what I do!

Comment and vote (if you can)!



“Maybe it would be better if you sat down, Eddie. There’s a lot we need to fill you in on.,” his dad calmly responded.

“I think I’ll stand. Just tell me what he’s doing here.”

“Sal was just filling us in on what the Caladium pack is planning.”

It took Eddie about half a second to figure out that that meant Richards was the traitor. Before anyone could react, the sound of ripping clothes once again filled the room.


Chapter 37

I’ve seen Eddie in wolf form gentle, playful, loving, magnificent, but I had never seen him angry. The fur on both his tail and the back of his neck was bristling. He had a murderous look in his eyes and he was actually beginning to foam at the mouth. He was still remarkable though – majestic even. I couldn’t take my eyes away. Right now, he looked every bit of the Alpha that he would become.

Eddie let out a menacing growl at Richards, who was trembling, partly from fear but mostly from trying to hold onto his human side. I knew he wanted to shift – his wolf was probably demanding to be let out to face the challenge Eddie had basically issued. But Richards was smart enough to know that changing into his wolf now would only land him back on the Alpha’s bad side. And he probably wasn’t willing to risk the reprieve Eddie’s dad had already granted him.

“Eddie – back off right now!,” the Alpha ordered. His voice was stern, his expression severe.

Eddie whipped his head around to look at his dad. He appeared startled by the command. 

“Eddie – Richards is cooperating. He’s been telling us everything he knows about the Caladiums,” I told him in his mind. “I know you’re angry, but I think it’s better to solve this as human. Besides, Ryan’s dad already beat him in wolf form.”

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?,” he asked. 

“No. I’m perfectly fine. Nothing happened. Please, just change back so we can find out what more he knows.”

Eddie nodded. “Sorry. I just reacted. I thought he had hurt you.”

“I know. I know you were just trying to protect me. But I swear that I’m fine. I was just shocked by some information Richards gave us about the Caladiums. Change back so your dad can explain everything to you. I’ll go grab you some clothes.”

I left the office for the second time to run upstairs and grab a change of clothes, shaking my head with each step. Male weres and their short tempers. I had a feeling they probably went through a lot of clothes. No wonder Eddie and his dad had so many sweatpants and t-shirts in their dressers. They could probably save a lot of money by just wearing cheap things instead of the tailored stuff both men preferred.

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