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21st Chapter

It was a cold and windy night. Sehun was staring out into the night sky on the terrace. His nineteenth birthday was coming to an end as the hands of the clock slowly approached twelve midnight. He turned a year older but everything was still the same.

He let out a sigh when he faintly heard Chanyeol’s voice cracking as he tried to reach a high note. His friends were mostly drunk but not him, he preferred to be sober that night, though the celebration was for him. He can’t understand but there was a strange feeling starting inside him. It was like something wrong was going to happen. It was weird so he tried to shrug it off.

Sehun was lost in thought that he failed to notice Eun Mi already behind him. She was cradling his present on her hands and she took a deep breath before she called out to him. “Sehun.”

He was startled by that familiar soft voice behind him. But he instantly turned around to face her with a smile. Just about anything concerning Eun Mi would brighten up even this dark night. “Hey.” He said while gazing at her.

Eun Mi blushed by the way Sehun was looking at her. It made her nervous that her fingers shook around the gift and her voice came out as a squeak. “H-happy birthday.” Her hands forwarded a little as she presented him the box.

He wasn’t that surprised that Eun Mi bought him a gift. She never failed to give him one every year and it was always the best thing he could receive on his birthdays. He took it from her hands. “Thank you.” He ruffled her hair and proceeded to opening it.

“I-it’s not much.. but.. I hope that you like it.” She mumbled.

“Even if you gave me nothing, I’ll still be thankful. You being here is enough.” He gave her another heartwarming smile before opening the box. His eyes widened a little when he saw the silver watch inside.

“Y-you said that your watch got broken last week, so I thought I would give you a new one.”

Eun Mi always knew what to give him. His personal feelings aside, she always gave him things that he needed and suited his style the best. She was a very thoughtful person and he couldn’t help but love her more. He placed it around his wrist. “Thank you so much for this. You really know me so well.” His hand reached out to her face and his thumb gently grazed her cheek.

His touch made her flush even more and she had to scold herself mentally for her uncontrollable heartbeat. She knew she should be putting a stop to these feelings. “I-I’m going inside. I-it’s late already.”

She was about to turn away but Sehun grabbed her hand to stop her. “Please don’t go yet.”

“B-but –“

“Can you stay with me until my birthday ends? It’s just a few minutes before twelve. Please?”

There was just no way she could resist his request. Especially now that he was looking at her like she was the only thing he could see at the moment. She was weak when it comes to things like this with Sehun. “Okay.” She agreed.

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