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A/N: Surprise, surprise! I decided to write an epilogue for you guys who can’t get enough of the characters from Except You. I know this isn’t much and it’s just a sneak peek on what happened right after but at least I was able to write one, right? Kkkkk~


I decided to end the story the way I started it. I hope I did a fine job at this. LOL. Enjoy! :3




It was the first day of class that spring day. Students were piling up on the buses, some were walking at the streets along with some people who were rushing for work. Though she can't see it from outside the car, she was pretty sure people were also bustling in the subways.

Her final year in high school was going to start that day. Unlike the previous years she spent at school, she had a lot of things to look forward to on that year. If anything else, she was totally excited to enter the school gates again.

The car was already near the school gates and she could see the cherry blossom trees welcoming them through. It would be nice to walk in the path. It always seemed so wonderful in television shows.

"Please stop the car, Minhyuk-ssi. I'll get down from here." She said in a soft tone.

“Sure thing, Agassi.” Minhyuk smiled at her from the rearview mirror. He stopped the car right after.

“Have a great day ahead, Minhyuk-ssi.” She told him with a smile before closing the door. Minhyuk watched as the Princess walked down the path. For all the years he served the Bae family, the Princess had been like a little sister to him. He was happy to see that the reserved girl who was scared of the world before had changed into a fine young lady who was ready to face the challenges ahead.

She breathed in the fresh morning air that was mixed with the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms. It was such a shame that these beautiful trees only last for two weeks during spring. There were still a few minutes before the opening ceremony would start so she took her time admiring the cherry blossoms. It was such a breather to have moments like this to herself.

Some students already started accumulating on the path that she was walking in. She turned to them on her left side. “Good morning.” She greeted them with a smile.

They greeted her back with enthusiasm. Some even started walking with her and she had small talk with them. By the time they got inside the school premises, she had already made new friends with some freshmen students. People still flocked and fussed about her, still calling her the Princess, but it was bearable now because unlike before, she could now interact with them like normal friends.

"Eun Mi~!" A girly voice called from behind her. She spun around and smiled at her cousin.

"Hey, hey. Don’t go hoarding Eun Mi all to yourselves. She’s mine." Hyerin told off the crowd that already flocked around her, like how she usually does, and hugged her possessively.

Eun Mi giggled. “Hyerin, you’re holding me too tight.”

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