Sidestory - 3

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Sidestory – Chapter 3

“No one should be alone this Christmas. Warm yourself up.” She said and placed a can of hot coffee beside him. He took the can, transferring the warmth to his cold hands.


He looked up at her, who was smiling down at him. And he could feel himself warming up more than the can of coffee in his hands.

Kai woke up with a start. That dream again.. His phone was ringing continuously inside his pocket. He fished it out, irritation evident in his features. He saw the caller ID and rejected it without a moment’s thought. Switching his phone off, he threw it inside his bag.

“You know, you should tell her straight if you don’t want to see her anymore.” Kyungsoo said beside him.

“I already told her that.” He muttered. “But she’s just so clingy and won’t accept it.”

“Just like every girl you went out before.”

Kai let out a frustrated sigh. “They’re all the same and it’s getting so tiring.”

“You should just stop dating girls you know that you will eventually get tired of in the end.” Baekhyun said from behind them.

“Yeah. You’re just making them all cry.” Chen chimed in.

“Just mind your own business.” He craned his neck behind him and glared at them. The two just raised their hands in retreat and resumed their noisy chatter.

“Now, now. Don’t fight inside my car. We’re near there anyway, so don’t sleep anymore, Jongin.” Minseok said from the driver’s seat.

They were currently driving towards Luhan’s rest house where they’ll be celebrating Sehun’s birthday. Normally, he would invite other people, specifically girls, to come but he wasn’t in the mood for anything that day. He doesn’t know why but he feels so empty for the past couple of weeks. Nothing seems to hold his interest for long anymore.


“Yeah, yeah. We should start grilling them outside. Hey, Jongin, could you get some glasses from the kitchen?” Chanyeol asked him.

“’Kay.” He answered in a bored tone and complied with his request. On the way to the kitchen, he saw Kyungsoo wearing an apron and some flour in his hands.

“Hey, Kai, could you watch over the spaghetti for awhile? I’ll just get something on the car.”

“Uhh, yeah. Sure. But I’ll need to bring Chanyeol some glasses first.”

He grabbed some glasses for Chanyeol and came back to the kitchen to watch over Kyungsoo’s spaghetti. But when he got there, he found himself wanting to watch over something else.

She was on her toes, reaching for something on top of the cabinet. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, amused by the way she tries to reach for the box. She could just get a chair to solve her problem but it seems that she was a strong-willed girl and wants to get it on her own. He couldn’t stop himself from admiring her back view, too. The way her hair flows down her back, her curves alluring him. He sauntered his way to her and stopped just beside her. He took the box and turned towards her. But his voice got caught in his throat and he just ended up staring at her.

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