Sidestory - 2

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Sidestory – Chapter 2

Hyerin stepped out of the car and shut the door lightly. She walked over towards the driver’s seat and bended over to be on eye-level with the guy who was smirking at her. “Thanks for the ride, Hyunsik-ah.”

“Anytime.” He placed an arm casually on the window. “So, where’s my goodnight kiss?”

She inched her face closer to his and tilted her head slightly, but when their lips were only a strand away, she moved back. “Sorry. You know that I don’t kiss the same guy twice.” She winked at him.

“And I thought I was an exception.” He chuckled. “Let’s go out again sometime.”

“Hmm..” She pretended to think about it, even though she was sure she won’t be dating this guy again. “I’ll just call you if ever.”

Hyunsik shook his head in amusement. “You’re such a tease.”

“That’s why you like me.” She gave him one flirtatious smile before going inside the Oh mansion. She checked the time on her phone and knew that she was 2 hours late from the time she said she would get home. She hoped her parents haven’t arrived yet.

One of their maids opened the door for her and she placed a finger on her lips, instructing her not to say a word that she had just arrived. She tried to make her steps as quiet as she can as she made her way to the stairs but she let out a tiny shriek when the lights on the living room suddenly opened.

“Do you know what time it is now, Oh Hyerin?!” A stern voice bellowed.

She closed her eyes for two seconds before turning to face her dear brother who had his arms crossed in front of his chest while regarding her with a pointed look. She shrugged casually. “Beats me. You have a watch, Sehunnie. Why don’t you check it?”

Sehun’s forehead creased even more and he willed his self not to shout at his sister’s sassiness. “You said you’ll be home by 9. And as expected, you’re late again. I’m supposed to be sleeping right now but I can’t ‘coz I have to wait for you.”

“Who said you have to wait for me? You could’ve just gone to bed if you want. I’m fully capable of handling my—“

“I was worried for you, Hyerin.” He cut her off flatly.

“Awwe~ you’re such a sweetie, Sehunnie. Lemme give you a hug~” She cooed as she walked over to her brother but Sehun just blocked her arms away.

Sehun sighed exasperatedly. He can’t really get mad at her. “Be thankful that Mom and Dad aren’t home yet. Or you might be grounded again.”

“Well then, thank you.” He scowled at her. “What? You said I should be thankful.”

He rubbed his temples. “Hyerin, just.. just get in your room. You’re frustrating me more.”

Hyerin tried to suppress her laugh. It was fun getting on Sehun’s nerves. But she’s really touched by the way he worries and takes care of her. “But really, thank you for always waiting for me.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, earning a disgusted reaction from him.

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