Chapter 35

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((NOTE: THIS CHAPTER HAS NOT BEEN EDITED. It’s a long story. Just please forgive any minor errors and point out any major ones.


Please read the A/N at the end. It’s important.

 Feearr on Tumblr made the beautiful cover on the side. )) 



~~~~~~~Gabriel’s POV~~~~~~~

I remained standing, in a state of complete and utter bewilderment as my brain frantically scrambled to put the pieces together. 

Cain had grown mostly still, the only detectable movement being his fingers that were still wrapped around the knife, twitching slightly. But I wasted no time in contemplating his fate, for I was torn between the girl flailing around in my arms and my mother, sprawled limply on the ground.

I knew that I needed to grab Raziel and force him to save Skylar. My Wolf was snarling at me to do so. But the very dormant, long-hidden side of me that actually had feelings of affection towards my family would not let me tear my eyes away from Rebekah. Only seconds had passed, but each one felt like an eternity.

Raziel had moved forward and was crouched next to Rebekah. He was shaking her shoulder, his voice escaping as a hoarse croak as he cried her name. The Angel’s eyes, however, remained resigned. He had known this would happen. In the seconds before Rebekah stabbed Cain, Raziel had warned me with his expression.

 I took a step forward, then hesitated. Everything was coming together, along with the realization that Skylar’s time was running out. 

As if on cue, her thrashing abruptly halted.

 “Raziel,” I started, voice coming out much more roughly than I intended. The Angel completely ignored me.

I gently lowered Skylar to the ground, resting her against the side of the tunnel. I attempted to get her into a sitting position but she was completely limp, head lolling to the side. Black veins still stood out in a startling contrast to her pale skin. If it weren’t for her rapid heartbeat, I would’ve thought I was losing her to death’s claim.

“Raziel!” I snapped, my eyes automatically landing on Rebekah’s form again as I felt a piercing guilt. She was completely still, possibly dead, and some part of me wanted to go to her…but my Wolf would not let me leave Skylar’s side.

 Raziel’s burning gaze flickered to me and I saw evident anger. One hand rested on Rebekah’s face, cupping her cheek, and I knew I was interrupting what could be his last moments with his daughter.

 But right now, my Wolf didn’t care.

“Skylar needs your help! She’s turning!” I said, rather harshly, and fury contorted Raziel’s features. He was grieving, and I was not helping.

 “And Rebekah is dying, to save your life!” He hissed in response. The Angel had never given me such a glare before. His electric blue eyes practically burned my skin. I opened my mouth to retort, losing my patience entirely, when a weak, shaky voice cut in. 

“Father…” the words were faint, a mere whisper. Raziel’s head abruptly snapped around and he re-focused on Rebekah. She had stirred slightly.

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