Chapter 16

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      "Erm, let me  guess. Min Ho oppa!! Am I right?", I turn my head and there is him, giving me the greatest smile. "What are you doing here? I thought you are in Dubai for the business?", I sit next to him. "Well, I heard you will come back for good. So, I decide to give you a surprise. By the way, I hear from Shownu that you already engaged. Is that right?", I nod and show him the ring. "And who is the unlucky guy?", he laugh and I hit his shoulder. "He is so lucky to have me okay", and I check a message in my phone. Its from S. Coups. He said that he is sorry as he can't come to the airport today. I just said that it's fine and ask him to treat me lunch during this weekend.

       "So, what we are having today? I ask my mother and give her a back hug", I take a spoonful of kimchi stew. "Mom, it's so delicious", I praise her and give her a kiss on her cheeks. "Dad, when will Min Ho oppa return to Dubai? I mean how long will he staying here?", I sit in front of my dad. "Perhaps, two weeks. He really want to spend time with you guys. Just let him okay, you know that he really love his cousin", he fold his newspaper and look at me with serious face. "Dad, what's wrong with the face. You look so serious", I realise that he look straight into my eyes. "Actually, I have something to tell you".

     'Why dad? Why you telling me now? Doesn't you care about my feeling? I just coming home', I only scream in heart. I sit on a bench in our backyard. "Yo, what's wrong with the face?", Min Ho oppa approach me. "You know about this? That's why you here? To keep an eye on me?", I try to relax and not crying. "Well, I just know about it. But, it's not the main reason why I here. I really miss you guys", Min Ho oppa hug me. "What's all this?", I hear an angry voice. Turn out it's S. Coups. He walk towards the main door without looking at me.

       "Oppa, can you please hear what I want to say?", I run after him. He just ignore me so I decide give him a call later. What's more important to me now is to spend my precious time with my parent. Shownu Oppa and Yuju unnie also at home since today is the last day that we can spend together as a whole family. That's the main thing that my father told me this morning.


"Dad, what's wrong with the face? You look so serious", I realise he looks at me straight into my eyes. "Actually, I have something to tell you. Your mom and I will move to Japan. We will stay there and don't know when we will return here". "Dad, I just coming home. Don't you miss me?", I try to calm myself. "Sweetie, we really miss you but we have to handle this ourselves. I really hope you understand. Your dad and I start this business from the bottom. We face many hardship to get to this level", my mom pat my back. "Is this the reason why you ask me to engage with S. Coups oppa? So that there will be someone to accompany me?", I try to find the answer for my sudden change of status. "Yes my dear. S. Coups family can look after you. It will make us a little ease when knowing someone was there for you".

I just give them a fake smile and walk towards my room.
-end of flashback -

      "Unnie, don't you want to buy something for our parent? Well, a farewell present?", I walk together with her and Min Ho oppa. "Well, let's get something". We enter into a boutique that sell many type of scarf. We decide to split with our parent and meet again during the lunch time. I choose a light pink scarf for my mom and a red scarf for my dad while Yuju decide to buy them a sweater. Suddenly, Min Ho oppa wrap a scarf around my neck. "You look so cute with this white scarf", and he pinch my cheeks. "Just tie your hair into a ponytail and don't wear a cap. That way you looks more cute", and he quickly remove my cap. After paying, we walk to the restaurant. Min Ho oppa put his hand on my shoulder while Yuju Unnie walk beside me. Well, I'm quite close to Min Ho oppa since he always take care of me when I was little. I feel like someone is watching us but I guess, just my feeling.

        "Oppa, can I eat ice cream after this? I really want to", I act cute in front of Shownu oppa. "Did you take your medicine this morning?", he keep putting vegetables in my plate. I nod my head and try to take some meats. "Let me help you", Min Ho oppa put some meats in my plate. "Owh, you're so lucky my sister. Having two 'doctors' to take care of you", Yuju unnie try to act sad. She sit in front of me while Shownu oppa on my left and Min Ho oppa on my right. All of us are laughing with her comment. "Unnie, actually I feel suffocated by all this", I whisper to her and again all of us are laughing hearing those words. "Well, this is the best lunch I ever have. All of us sitting together at one table, having a warm conversation. I hope mom and dad will return to Korea soon". "We doesn't board the plane yet, and you already wish for our return", my dad receive a laugh from all of us with his response. After the lunch, we have a picnic at a waterfall and return to home at night. My siblings and also my cousin help our parent pack their belongings. That night, I forgot to call S. Coups and explain everything.

-S. Coups pov-

      I was taking a stroll in mall when I saw Yuju and Eun Bi. I want to talk to Eun Bi when saw the same man that hug her put his hand on Eun Bi's shoulder. And weirdly, Yuju doesn't say anything about it. I follow them into that restaurant and saw all of them having a nice lunch. That man also there and sitting beside Eun Bi. They laughing together which make my heart become ache. But, why doesn't anyone stop that man from getting near Eun Bi. They all know that Eun Bi is mine. That night, I can't sleep and keep thinking about what I saw. I'm hoping for some explanation from her but nothing, not even phone call or message. 'That's it. I decide to seek answer from her tomorrow.  She must explain to me everything including the hug and the pinch on cheeks that I saw in the boutique'

-the next day-

-S. Coups pov-

       "Hyung, where are you going", Mingyu ask me when I walk towards our dorm door. "Owh, I'm off to the airport. I accompany my parent to send Eun Bi's parent at the airport today. They are going to Japan", I wear my red converse. "Alright, but Hyung. Tonight you sleep here or at your parent's?", Mingyu ask again. "I don't know yet. I will call you later".

         After taking my parent at their house, I drive straight to the airport. Then, I saw a familiar figure. He is the man that always with Eun Bi. "Owh, Coups. You come. I thought you have a busy schedule ", Shownu Hyung pat my back. "Well, I have a free time", I smile to him. "By the way, Hyung, can I ask you a question?""Sure, anything for my brother-in-law", I feel blushing with his words. "Actually who is that man?", and I point to the man. "Owh, he is our......"

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