Chapter Two

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"I love them bad girls doing bad things, lookin' hot with an attitude..."

"I can't believe we're going clubbing with the daughter of a gang leader," Lisa told Tyra and I as she poured herself yet another shot. We were all pre-drinking before we headed out to the club, but of course Lisa was going overboard as usual. She was drinking alcohol as if it was water and I knew by the end of the night, one of us would be holding her hair back as she puked in some random place. Lisa was somewhat of a hassle for us. She was almost like a child. A drug addicted child. I'm not even sure how she's still alive. No matter how much help we tried to get her, nothing ever changed. She was a strung out whore. Plain and simple, but I loved her.

I loved her as if I've known her for years, but in reality I've only known her and Tyra for six months. Let me give you a quick rundown. I moved from San Francisco to Santa Monica eight months ago, a few weeks after I graduated with a Bachelor degree in Biology. My best friend since grade school, Mia and I, just needed to get away. I had my parents trying to force medical school down my throat and Mia was dealing with her psycho ex-boyfriend so we split and moved five hours away to catch a breath from our dramatic lives.

I loved my parents more than anything. They adopted me and raised me as their own, gave me everything I wanted but sometimes they put too much pressure on me. They wanted me to be just like them. Graduate. Go to medical school. Become some type of doctor. I wanted to do all of that, but in due time. I wasn't rushing through my years like they did. For now, I just needed a break from education. I needed to let my hair down, party a little bit and live life a little bit edgier. I've been a rebel since I could remember, but at the end of the day, no matter what, I was still some rich kid who got whatever she wanted from her parents. No matter how much time I spent with Mia and her family in their rundown neighborhood, I was privileged with a life that most people would die for. Long story, short. I moved away to catch a breather. I didn't know how long I would be gone or when or if I would go back home anytime soon. Right now, I was enjoying going out every other night with my girls, drinking and slutting it up every once in a while.

Back on topic, when Mia and I moved here a month later we met Tyra and Lisa who were already friends. We connected and we became really close. Mia was always like the sister that I never had, but now I felt like I had two more. All of us just clicked. We all loved having fun and enjoyed each other's company. We always had each other's backs and I knew I could depend on the three girls for nearly anything. Within just a few months, I made countless of timeless memories with the girls. Some were bad, like the time Lisa nearly overdosed but most were good. I could honestly say that I was doing sh-t I've never done before, like for example, partying with a big time gangster such as Andy De Palma.

"I can't believe we're partying with her either," Tyra responded to Lisa as she conveniently took the bottle of liquor from her. Mia, Tyra and I all secretly agreed with just a stare that Lisa had had enough. Lisa whimpered as Tyra put the bottle back into the cabinet. As usual, we were at my and Mia's apartment. It was our hangout spot when we weren't out in the city. "Her friend, Leo, is such an asshole. How the f-ck did she think that I would be okay with her just grabbing my goodies? She might actually stand a chance if she talked to me like I was an actual human rather than grabbing what she wanted."

"Yeah, she's a piece of sh-t. But her friends seem nice, the other cute one and Andy. Now, isn't she gorgeous," Lisa gushed as she put her hand over her heart. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at her. Lisa was my girl but if she thought she was going to actually get a chance with Andy then she was mistaken. I already had my eye on Andy. Like Lisa said, she was gorgeous, sexy and most importantly she was a bad girl. Short, dark hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, style and a sharp ass jawline that could probably cut me into pieces. Just my type. One would think after me constantly chasing the bad ones and it ending miserably that I would learn, but I never did.

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