Chapter Twelve

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Within the next hour, the party began and hundreds of people were present. The party was held in the backyard where there was a live band singing all of Giana's favorite songs. There were a bunch of high school and college aged kids, but also a lot of family. Within 30 minutes, I met at least 50 of Andy's cousins, 5 aunts, and 10 uncles. Friends were there too. Lin and Leo showed up and Lin brought her fiancé. Giana was traveling around the party trying to greet everyone that she could. Andy seemed a bit overprotective over her. Every time Giana talked to a guy around her age, she tensed up. It was cute but kind of unfair because I'm sure she was sleeping with plenty of girls at Giana's age.

"So how long have you been dating Andy," Lin's girlfriend, Jenny, asked me. Andy had left us two alone and wandered off somewhere with Lin and Leo. Jenny claimed they always ventured off together and left her by herself all the time at parties. She was happy I was here to keep her company.

"Oh, we're not dating. We're just friends," I quickly told Jenny before she could put any other ideas together.

"Just friends? That's weird. Andy never brings girls around unless she's really with them. She must really like you. Where are you from again?" Jenny was a gorgeous girl with wavy blonde hair. Her and Lin fit together perfectly. They were so nice and chill all the time.

"I'm from San Francisco. I moved to Santa Monica a few months ago, so I'm pretty new to everything here. What about you?" I knew Jenny couldn't have been from around here. She had a strong country accent which stood out above everyone else's.

"I'm from Tennessee. I move here five years ago. I just haven't gotten rid of my accent yet. I don't think I ever will."

"I love your accent. It's really adorable." Jenny giggled and I looked around the party. Everyone was having a great time and I was too. I was just wondering where Andy went. She, Leo and Lin left thirty minutes ago. "You said they always walk off?"

"Yeah. They're inseparable. They probably went somewhere to smoke. They'll be back. Don't worry about it. So, what do you do? Do you work anywhere," Jenny kept up the casual conversation as I kept looking around for Andy. I'm not sure why I was so worried about where she was at. It just felt weird for her to walk off without saying anything.

"Well, I just graduated college so I'm not doing much. I want to be a doctor. Hopefully within the next year, I'll try to get into a good medical school. Right now I'm kind of just getting a breather, you know?"

Jenny's eyes widened. "Smart girl! I can't believe you're going to be a doctor. I'm just a hairstylist, but wow, you know, that's really amazing, Delaney. You're going to save lives. It's kind of ironic that you have a thing with Andy when you guys kind of have such different lifestyles."

"Well, I don't have a thing with Andy."

"So, you guys are legit just friends?"

"No. We're more than just friends. I like her a lot but we're kind of just seeing where it goes. It's not like we're trying to date right now or anything. And yeah, I know it's weird that I want to help people while Andy is kind of the opposite in a way. But she's not that bad." My answer to Jenny seemed so unsure and she caught it. I felt like a dumbass. I really wasn't sure what Andy had going on and I didn't put in much thought about how our careers conflicted with each other. If we got together, how was I going to go somewhere and save lives just to come to someone who takes them? It was contradicting. But Andy didn't kill innocent people, did she? I doubt she did. Maybe I was just overthinking.

"I'm marrying Lin and I admit, I don't agree with most of the things she does. When I first started dating her I thought all of this wasn't a big deal, but it is. Once you're connected to Andy, it's really going to affect your life and your relationship with her. I'm not trying to scare you away but you're not like the other girls. You really want to be something. All the other girls Andy has been with had no goals. All they wanted to be was Andy's girlfriend. They didn't have any self-worth, but it really seems like you do. You're level headed and I know you're tough. I can see it from your eyes." Jenny paused as if she was getting ahead of herself. She took a deep breath and gave me a reassuring smile. Her hands rested on my shoulders. "I just wanted to warn you before you get too invested. But I really like you and I really hope you and Andy give things a try, but just know, it's not all peaches and cream."

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