Chapter Thirty-Five

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The days that I spent with Delaney's parents were probably the most uncomfortable streak of days I had ever experienced. When I was alone with Natalie, I noticed that she would check me out. Ever since she walked in on me naked in Delaney's room, it seemed like she gained an interest in me. Now, I don't know if Delaney's mom was secretly bisexual, but she had a thing for me. Sometimes I had that effect on straight women so I really wasn't surprised that she was into me. It was just super awkward because she was my girlfriend's mother.

She was always super inappropriate with me, but Delaney or Michael never noticed. I don't see how. Whenever she was near me, she would rub my shoulders, feel on my biceps and one time she was extra enough to make sure she rubbed her ass against me as she walked past. It was horrible and awkward. I wanted to tell Delaney about how f-cking crazy her parents were but I didn't want to make her mad. I knew she wanted her parents to like me badly. It was important to her, so I kept my mouth shut and acted as if they were normal.

Michael was cool when it was just me and him. Every night we snuck out to roll one, but when he was with Natalie and Delaney, he was almost unbearable. When he talked to me, he had this cool and calm tone, but when he was with his family, he put on this stupid typical, rich dad voice on. It made me want to shoot myself in the f-cking face. How could you be so twofaced to your own f-cking family? It was almost like he had two personalities.

He opened up to me when we smoked as if I was his best friend and he had known me for years. I guess it felt good for him to finally be his true self around someone else. He told me that Natalie and him had an open relationship, which was probably the reason she was trying to flirt with me so hard. It was crazy that she wanted me to cheat on her daughter just to f-ck her. She was disgusting, and so was Michael. He told me he had sex with one of Delaney's exes, and I wasn't sure if it was a guy or a girl but it was f-cked up. The two of them were like crazy swingers who strived to f-ck their daughter's girlfriends and boyfriends. It was like some stupid, horror story about crazy ass white people and their flawless, adopted daughter. I don't know how the hell they raised someone like Delaney. She was so f-cking different and far less manipulative.

With all of that said, it was pretty clear that I was ready to go the f-ck back to Santa Monica. The day we were scheduled to leave, I woke up early as hell to make sure the car was packed and ready to go. I was basically waiting by the door with the keys, waiting for Delaney to finally give me the nod to leave. I was thankful that I didn't get molested by Natalie or murdered by split personality Michael but it was time to go and I wasn't willing to stay another second in that damn house with them.

Although, I was done with Delaney's parents, on our way out of San Francisco, we were supposed to meet up with Eric. After being stressed the f-ck out by Delaney's parents, I hoped he wasn't worse. If he was an asshole, I was going to beat his ass. My tolerance was low from dealing with Natalie and f-cking Michael. F-cking lunatics.

We went to this weird bar thing that had a bunch of arcade games for adults. It was like a sleezy Dave and Busters' filled with a younger crowd like Delaney and I. Eric had texted Delaney and said he'd be a few minutes late. Since we had to wait, I shamelessly ordered a glass of Rum and Coke at the bar. Why not? I wasn't the one driving us home and I definitely deserved a good ass drink after spending days with her f-cking parents. Delaney got a water and we sat at a nearby table. We sipped on our drinks quietly as I watched the football game that was playing on one of the many TVs in the bar.

"So, I might as well ask you now, what did you think of my parents," Delaney asked me after a few minutes of texting on her phone. I swallowed hard and pretended to have a brain freeze. I didn't want to tell the truth and let her know I didn't like them very much but I didn't want to lie either. She giggled at me and cupped my cheeks. "You're so precious sometimes." She gave me a quick kiss and I smiled softly. How could I lie to that face? But also, how could I tell the cold, honest truth to it? She'd be devastated if she knew half of the things that I knew. My family wasn't exactly civilized but hers were built on nothing but lies.

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