Chapter Twenty-One

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My finger hovered over my mom's number. Should I call? Should I address it? I hadn't called my parents in forever. I couldn't just throw this at them, could I? I mean, I could, right? It was my business. It was my real family that they were keeping me from. I deserved to finally know the truth. I've spent twenty two years accepting that my real parents were either dead or didn't give a f-ck about me, but I was wrong. They were very much alive and they had to give a damn about me if they wanted monthly reports from my adoptive parents.

I closed my eyes tightly and pressed down on the screen. My stomach turned and I grimaced when I heard the phone ring. This was the day that I wanted the truth, no matter what. If I had to drive six hours to get to San Francisco and yell at them until they gave up the truth then I would. After the second ring, the phone was picked up. "Well if it isn't, Miss Delaney. I thought you forgot about mommy and daddy," my mother said.

"Hey, honey," I heard my dad scream from the background.

"Hi," I said simply. I was trying my best to think about how to bring up the question smoothly. The conversation started off with small talk. They asked me what I was doing, how I was doing, if I was seeing anyone and if I was studying for med school. I told them that I was fine, gave them some bullsh-t on how I was studying my ass off and decided to tell them I wasn't seeing someone. I wasn't ashamed of Andy or anything, but I didn't want the news of me seeing someone outshine the truth that I needed to get out of them.

I let my parents talk to me about whatever they wanted to for a full hour before I broke out the question. "Have you guys ever met my real parents?" The question came out way more blunt than I expected and it was kind of rude. I smacked myself on the head. They didn't deserve that. My parents gave me everything that they could and I sounded like an ungrateful brat. "Sorry, mom and dad. I just found out some stuff and I need you guys to confirm it."

There was a silence over the line and then I heard one of my mother's heavy and dramatic sighs. She always did that same sigh before sh-t hit the fan. "Well, sweetheart, what is it," she said as calmly as possible. There was a shake in her voice and I bit my lip. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"I'm going to start it off simple. I'm going to ask you very specific questions. All I want is a yes or no and I want the truth, okay?"


Here it goes. "Did you know my biological parents?"

"Yes, honey but-"

"Just yes or no, dad."

"Sorry, honey."

"Did I have a twin brother?"


"Was I the youngest? Was he born before me?"

"Yes." F-ck. Camilo was right. He was actually telling the truth. He wasn't bullsh-tting me. My heart felt like it was going to pump out of my f-cking chest. I had a brother. A twin brother.

"Did my parents decide to name me Camila?"

"Yes, but how do you know-"

"Are my parents alive?"

"Yes, honey, please-"

"Do you talk to them often and keep them updated on my life?"

"We do." I took a shaky breath. "Honey, I know we should have told you but it was your biological parents' idea. Natalie and I wanted to tell you when you were sixteen. We wanted you to meet your family but they were against it. They didn't want you to get affiliated in their lives. Diego and Claudia just wanted the best for you. They love you so much, just as much as we love you. You have every right to be upset."

A1: The Don (GirlxGirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang