Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I love weddings," Donna declared as she grabbed my wrist with eagerness. Just like everyone else, she was more than ready to get the show on the road. Lin and Jenny's wedding was set to start in the matter of minutes and thousands of people filled a traditional church. There was a bunch of chatter coming from a room full of gangsters, family members, friends and random people who were probably guests of guest.  It was kind of beautiful how all the gangsters that attended the wedding were putting away their immoral duties for a few hours for their fellow comrade. "Don't you love weddings?! It's such a spiritual experience. It's like none other," Donna continued to gush to me as her gorgeous ocean blue eyes met mine. Wow, she was so gorgeous.

Her dark hair was flowing down her shoulders effortlessly and if I didn't know she was Andy's mother, I would probably mistake her for a woman in her late twenties. She aged so gracefully. There wasn't one wrinkle visible on her face. How was she so damn hot for her age? How was Andy's whole f-cking family so damn gorgeous? Why were they so blessed? It just wasn't fair. Their facial structures, intoxicating bright smiles and mesmerizing eyes were unbelievable.

"Weddings always make me cry," I admitted to Donna as I touched her forearm that was gently holding my wrist. Since Andy was in the wedding and all of her friends that I was comfortable with was in the wedding also, I made sure that I got a seat with Andy's family. They were thrilled to see me again. I was greeted with hugs from Giana, Donna and Iggy. Donna welcomed me to the family even though Andy and I were only dating. I think she was more overjoyed than Andy and I about us being together. It was adorable to see her root so hard for us though. There were some people that I genuinely loved from the get go and Donna was one of them. Her heart was so pure and I knew she was truly happy that her daughter was with me. She gave me so much respect that I felt like I was one of her girlfriends.

Every now and then Donna would discreetly point out a woman around her age. They always looked good like her, but just not as good. She told me the most bizarre things about them, such as one was having affair on her husband with a guy that was the age of her youngest son; which was sixteen. We were cackling and gossiping in the church and it made me envy her. Her life seemed so interesting and relaxed. All she did was sip on wine, talk sh-t, party with her friends and spend time with her husband. She was so carefree for someone her age and I hoped to be somewhat like her when I got to her age.

"You're not wearing make-up so you can cry with no worries, gorgeous girl," she told me before letting go of my wrist. She gave me a sweet smile and turned to her husband who had just took her seat beside her. After greeting me, Iggy was pulled away by fellow gang member after gang member. Since he was the one who created the family, he was getting dragged in unwanted conversations and he seemed too nice to decline them. The gang members looked at him like he was a shining star. They would do anything for him and his respect was easily noticed. "Finally, you're back, tiger," Donna growled at her partner.

I giggled to myself and turned to Giana who had her face frowned up with disgust. Honestly, that was goals. I wanted to be that old and still attracted to my partner like that, still experimenting new things sexually, romantically, emotionally and in all aspects of our relationship. "They're so embarrassing," Giana whispered to me.

"I think they're cute. Your parents still got it. They're happy."

"And disgusting." Giana stuck out her tongue and acted like she was going to barf to show how disgusted she was. I laughed at her over exaggeration. She went as far as to make the gagging noises. Good commitment.

I turned back towards Iggy and Donna. Donna was straightening out her husband's suit as he groaned with annoyance. "If one more damn person pulls me into some stupid conversation and tries to kiss my ass, I swear to God-"

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