chapter 8.5 revised

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Pphoto of Nick Bateman who plays Travane Charles.

Dedicated to SusanMultop

Britondii Luca pov

"Lucas" I touched my friend's hand. "Isn't that Travane Charles, the guy I liked in college? "

My friend gazed into the direction of my stare and blinked a few times.

"Yes that is him and it seems he is heading this way. "

I smiled, people really changed after school. While at NYU Travane wore the bad boy look, tight V-neck shirt, cap on backwards and such but now, he was dressed in a dark suit and God knows he still looked just as dashing. Even more so.

"He is coming this way Lue" I wchoed Lucas who was rising from his chair.

"I need to visit the powder room boo. "

"Lue " I whined. Was it just mere coincidence he had wanted to use the bathroom just as soon as my college crush was walking towards us? I think not. I most definitely knew it was not, when he winked at me and slapped Travane's shoulder in greeting as they passed each other.

I smiled and shook my head. Only my Lue Boo.

As my college crush ambulated nearer to me I became anxious.

What did he want to say?

The blush that had began to take over my cheeks brightened ten times more when he greeted, "good night beautiful"

He was such a charmer,still. No wonder all the girls in college liked him.

"Hey Travane" I replied meekly, my hands trembling a little.

"May I sit here for a bit until Lucas returns?

"Yes sure" I stammered, feeling as a college girl once more.

"How are you Britondii? Or should I say miss Luca? Wait. Do you go by a Mrs? "

He teased me and I laughed softly.

He knew my name? Lucas must have told him.

"Britondii is fine and no I am not married. I am well. How are you? "

We exchanged pleasantries and then spoke of our careers. I learnt he was a lawyer and that he was part owner of the Charles and Knight law firm. Which I had heard of. I didn't picture Travane as a lawyer kind of guy. But still. He also told me he was here at the Pegamax for a business dinner with a client.

"So Britondii, " he inquired ,"what do you do? I bet you also work in an office. Am I close? "

"Bulls eye. " I said and he chuckled softly. The sound low and husky. "I am employed at the Monteiro Industries. More specifically, I am Sebas- Mr Monteiro's personal assistant. "

I unconsciously bit my lip as an image of my boss dressed in his signature dark tight fitted suit and leather shoes flashed before my eyes.

God my subconscious groaned pulling her hair. You hate your boss so much you never stop thinking about him.

"Yea? " replied Travane. "I am happy for you. Monteiro Industries is one of the worlds most successful business empires."

And the boss is the world's biggest ignoramuses.

After speaking for a brief while longer, the waiter stopped our table and bowed lowly.

"Excuse me sir ma'am. Sir I am sorry to disturb but as you requested Mr Parker has arrived. "

"I'm sorry Britondii" Travane said after the waiter left and unfolded his frame from the chair."My client is here"

I nodded in understanding although selfishly a bit disappointed. Though we only spoke for about 5 minutes I genuinely enjoyed speaking with him.

"May I have your contact details before I leave, if it's not a problem I mean. "

My cheeks bled at his words. He was so polite.

"Yes" I smiled softly,shyly. "You may have it. " he removed his iPhone from his pockets and handed it to me. "Please. "

I dialled my number and then saved it. "Thank you. Have a nice evening Britondii. Oh. And I like your Dashiki. "

"Thanks. Goodnight"

Shortly after the time he left, Lucas returned with a smirk etched onto his gorgeous face.

"So" he said and elegantly lowered himself onto his seat. "What did I miss? "


I hurried to open the door as John carried a heavily intoxicated and slurring Lucas.

"Baby. " I heard my best friend moan, his voice weak,asphyxiated, nearly a sob"don't you love me anymore? "

John  chuckled in reply. "Of course I love you--you are my life Lucas. "

I giggled at my friends.

How could people hate love like that-- something so pure and beautiful?

We entered the apartment Lucas still muttering incoherent speeches and I locked the door.

"Goodnight sis. " John said as he carried Lucas to his room.

"Goodnight sis" Lucas mimicked his boyfriend, giggling.

"Goodnight babies. " I laughed also going into my room.


I had just finished changing into my  pajamas when my phone rang.

Fluffing my pillow with my free hand I answered the call.

"Hey Trevane"

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