Rafinha Alcantara | Running & junk food

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"Rafa...let me sleeep." I whined at my boyfriend's attempts of waking me up at the crack of dawn.

"But you promised!" He whined back.

"Promised what now?"

"That we will go running this morning, and it's the best while it's still early."

"Early? It's barely day outside, I doubt that Sun has even risen." I buried my head in my pillow, but Rafinha took my blanket. "Give that back!"

"No-no! You said we're gonna go running, and that's exactly what we're going to do now. Rise and shine!" He said in a sing-song voice, but I still didn't want to leave the warmth of our king size bed.

"You're such a baby, Y/N." Rafinha pouted and crossed his arms. "You left me no choice now."

Suddenly he was on top of me, holding my arms above my head in a strong grip with his left hand, and tickling me mercilessly with his right one. I wanted to keep on my straight/annoyed/wanna-stay-in-bed face, but it was just impossible.

"Raf- Rafinha! Stop! Okay, I-I'll go and run with you!"

He made a victory gesture and kissed me on both cheeks after pretending to congratulate me. "Good decision, amor. Let's get dressed and go."

I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, although I was still half asleep I managed to tie my hair into a ponytail and put on some sneakers. Rafinha was ready before me and was now waiting for me.

"Come onnn, baby, when you get ready it's probably going to be lunch time already."

"Don't make me change my mind and leave you hanging, Rafa. I am ready, you happy now?"

"Finally. Let's go."


After running for approximately 0.165 seconds I was sure that it wasn't such a good idea. Rafinha was a footballer after all, and I was, well, a girl who exercised every 10 years for 2 minutes max. And that amused Rafinha to no end, as he was running ahead of me all the time.

"Everything okay, speedy?" he chuckled.

"I hate you so much right now."

"Aw, I love you too. And you didn't have to go with me, y'know."

"But if I didn't, you'd probably bug me for the rest of my life. I know you too well, Rafael Alcantara."

"Ooh, you called me by my full name. I'm so scared."

He was talking too much for this early in the morning (I was never morning type) and decided to mess with him a little. I stopped running, bent over and started breathing harder and clutching my stomach. In a blink of an eye Rafinha was hovering over me with a hand on my shoulder.

"Babe...Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay? Did I-"

"Catch me if you can!"

I giggled and took off running before Rafinha could process what I had done. I was running like crazy but he caught up with my tempo in no time. He hugged me tightly from behind and placed a kiss on my hair.

"I'm not letting you go now, miss."

"I tricked you! You really bought it..." I trailed off laughing and Rafinha's lips curled up in a smile as well.

"Looks like you did. You had me worried there,Y/N! How could you?" He put a hand over his heart in mock hurt.

"Aw, little Rafa is hurt." I squished his cheeks like a child, and kissed him on the lips. "Are you hungry, baby Rafinha?"

"Yes mom." He whined, playing along.

"Then let's go eat something. Mom could really use some McDonald's now."

After buying (and eating) a ton of junk food, we both agreed on going back home. Rafinha was in awe of how much fast food I was able to eat at 8 o'clock in the morning, which made me laugh shortly before remembering something.

"Hey babe?"


"We forgot to buy ice cream."

"You want to eat ice cream now? After all we have eaten already, and not to mention it's only morning."

"But Rafa, pleeease. You're the best boyfriend ever, you know that?" I gave him my best puppy eyed look and also pouted my lower lip. I knew that always worked.

"Okay, we'll go and buy that ice cream. And only because I can't resist that stupidly cute face of yours."

"Yesss" I whisper yelled dramatically and threw my fist in the air before Rafinha dipped me and gave me a messy, playful kiss.


A/N: hey lovelies! This imagine was requested by @EmilyJanuzaj and I hope you will like it ❤ rate,vote comment and enjoy!

A/N: hey lovelies! This imagine was requested by @EmilyJanuzaj and I hope you will like it ❤ rate,vote comment and enjoy!

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+ have some precious Basti Schweinsteiger

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